Prášek z hliníkové slitiny 7050


prášek ze slitiny hliníku 7050 is a high-strength aerospace alloy also available in powder form for additive manufacturing and other powder metallurgy applications. With zinc and magnesium as primary alloyants, this 7xxx series alloy demonstrates superior mechanical properties ideal for critical structural components.

Přehled of aluminium alloy 7050 powder

UNS NumberA97050
EN DesignationEN AW-7050
Primární legující prvkyZinc (Zn), Magnesium (Mg), Copper (Cu)
SílaVysoký poměr pevnosti a hmotnosti
Pevnost v tahuUp to 570 MPa (T651 temper)
Mez kluzuUp to 500 MPa (T651 temper)
Lomová houževnatostAround 33 MPa√m (T7351 temper)
Únavová pevnostAbout 310 MPa at 107 cycles (T7351 temper)
Odolnost proti koroziDobrý
Tepelná vodivostVysoký
AerospaceStructural airframe components, landing gear, rockets
Automobilový průmyslWheels, control arms, drivetrain parts
PrůmyslovýRobotics, tooling jigs and fixtures, instrumentation
NámořníPropellers, drive shafts, pumps, valves
Způsoby výroby práškuGas atomization, plasma atomization, cryomilling
prášek ze slitiny hliníku 7050

Types of Aluminium 7050 Powder

Based on production method and characteristics, common Al7050 powder varieties include:

TypPopisVelikost částicMorfologieZdánlivá hustota
Rozprášený plynInert gas atomization provides spherical powder15-45 μmZaoblené∼1.6 g/cc
Voda atomizovanáWater breaking up of melt forms irregular particles15-100 μmJagged, porous∼1.2 g/cc
Rozprašování plazmouSmooth, spherical nano-to-micron powder from plasma5-45 μmVery spherical∼2 g/cc
Mechanical alloyedHigh-energy ball milling blendes and refines powder15-100 μmJagged, composite particles∼1.8 g/cc

Based on final application method, suitable grade is chosen. Smaller sizes below 100 microns allow better powder bed densities and printing resolution.

Složení of aluminium alloy 7050 powder

As an aerospace structural alloy, 7050 composition is:

ŽivelHmotnost %Role
Zinek5.7 – 6.7%Major alloying element, improves strength through precipitation
Hořčík1.9 – 2.6%Strengthening element, forms MgZn2 precipitates
Měď2.0 – 2.6%Helps fine-tune mechanical properties
Žehlička≤0.15%Impurity level, kept low
Křemík≤0.12%Impurity element
Chrom≤0.04%Present only as trace impurity
Mangan≤0.05%Kept low as impurity
HliníkZůstatekZákladní prvek

intentional additions of silver, lithium or other elements are sometimes used to modify powder characteristics.

prášek ze slitiny hliníku 7050 Vlastnosti

Key properties of Al7050 alloy powder suitable for additive manufacturing:

Fyzikální vlastnosti

Hustota2.83 g/cm<sup>3</sup>
Bod tání∼635°C
Tepelná vodivost130 W/m-K
Měrná tepelná kapacita0.88 J/g-K
Elektrický odpor∼4.5 μΩ-cm
CTE23 μm/m-K
BarvaTmavě šedá až černá

Low density coupled with strength makes Al7050 suited for aerospace and aviation sectors enabling weight savings.

Mechanické vlastnosti

Pevnost v tahu≥450 MPa≥570 MPa
Mez kluzu≥400 MPa≥500 MPa
Tvrdost∼150 VPN∼195 VPN
Únavová pevnost100 MPa230 MPa

Controlled low-stress heat treatment develops optimal precipitation microstructure enhancing mechanical performance.

Performance Attributes

Poměr pevnosti a hmotnostiVysokýMPa/(g/cm<sup>3</sup>)
Stiffness-to-weight ratioVysokýGPa/(g/cm<sup>3</sup>)
Odolnost proti koroziDobrý
High temperature performanceDobrý

These characteristics make Al7050 suitable for commercial and defense aerospace applications.

Výroba of aluminium alloy 7050 powder

AtomizaceMolten 7050 alloy is fed into the atomizer.
Inert gas (typically nitrogen) or plasma jet is used to break up the liquid metal into fine droplets.
Droplets rapidly solidify into spherical powder particles due to the high surface area to volume ratio.
Various techniques exist, including:
Gas Atomization (GA) – Most common method for 7050 powder production.
Plasma Atomization (PA) – Offers finer particle size control.
FrézováníOptional step to further refine particle size and morphology, typically used for powders produced by GA.
Mechanical milling uses grinding media to achieve the desired particle characteristics.
Cryomilling – A specialized milling process conducted at low temperatures to minimize oxidation and improve powder flow.
Sieving/ClassificationPowder is separated into specific size fractions using sieves or classifiers.
Ensures consistent particle size distribution for optimal flow and packing in Additive Manufacturing (AM) processes.
Mixing (Optional)Blending powders from different batches to achieve uniform chemistry and properties.
Kontrola kvalityPowder is rigorously tested to ensure it meets strict specifications for:
Chemické složení
Distribuce velikosti částic
Morphology (shape)
Obsah vlhkosti
Obsah kyslíku
Key Powder CharacteristicsPopisImportance for AM
Distribuce velikosti částicDistribution of powder particle sizes.Affects packing density, flowability, and final part properties.
Typically desired range for 7050 AM is 15-63 microns.
MorfologieShape of the powder particles.Spherical particles offer better flowability and packing compared to irregular shapes.
Složení slitinySpecific percentages of elements in the powder.Determines the mechanical properties, corrosion resistance, and other characteristics of the final part.
7050 powder typically contains Zinc (6%), Magnesium (2%), Copper (2.3%) as key alloying elements.
Zdánlivá hustotaBulk density of the powder.Impacts the final density of the printed part.
TekutostEase with which powder flows.Measured by Hall flow rate. Crucial for uniform layer formation in AM processes.
Obsah vlhkostiAmount of moisture absorbed by the powder.Minimizes powder oxidation during storage and AM processing.
Typically below 0.1% for 7050 powder.
Prášek z hliníkové slitiny 7050

Aplikace of aluminium alloy 7050 powder

AplikaceProperties desired
Aerospace (including aircraft structures, landing gear, and spacecraft components)High strength, fracture toughness, fatigue strength
Automotive (including wheels, engine components, and body panels)Vysoká pevnost, nízká hmotnost
Sporting goods (including baseball bats, bicycle frames, and golf clubs)High strength, good fatigue resistance
Military applications (including armor, weapons, and vehicles)High strength, weldability
Molding and tooling (due to its good dimensional stability and wear resistance)Dimensional stability, wear resistance
Electronics (due to its good electrical conductivity)Elektrická vodivost
Cryogenic applications (due to its good low-temperature strength)Low-temperature strength
Marine applications (due to its good corrosion resistance)Odolnost proti korozi
Medical applications (due to its biocompatibility)Biokompatibilita
Construction (due to its high strength-to-weight ratio)Vysoký poměr pevnosti a hmotnosti

prášek ze slitiny hliníku 7050 Specifikace

Aluminum Alloy 7050 Powder Specifications

VlastnictvíPopisTypická hodnotaJednotky
Chemické složeníAluminum alloy 7050 powder is a high-strength aluminum alloy containing several key elements in specific proportions.Hliník (Al):
Zinek (Zn):
5.7 – 6.7%
Hořčík (Mg):
2.0 – 2.6%
Měď (Cu):
2.0 – 2.5%
Other elements (Si, Fe, Mn, Cr, Ti, Zr):
≤ 0.15% total
Morfologie částicThe shape and surface characteristics of the powder particles influence their flowability, packing density, and printability.Spherical or near-spherical
Distribuce velikosti částicThe size of the powder particles plays a crucial role in determining the surface finish, mechanical properties, and overall quality of the final printed part.Typically offered in a range of sizes, such as 15-45 μm, 45-100 μm, or 100-150 μm.
Narrower size distributions may be desired for specific applications.
Zdánlivá hustotaThis refers to the bulk density of the powder, considering the spaces between particles.Approximately 2.6 – 2.8 g/cm³g/cm³
Klepněte na položku HustotaTap density represents the density of the powder after a standardized tapping process to minimize voids.Slightly higher than apparent density, typically around 3.0 – 3.2 g/cm³g/cm³
TekutostGood flowability is essential for even powder deposition in additive manufacturing processes.Spherical morphology and appropriate particle size distribution contribute to good flowability.
Mechanical Properties (wrought equivalent)While the exact properties can vary depending on the manufacturing process and post-processing techniques, 7050 aluminum powder generally offers excellent mechanical properties comparable to wrought (bulk) 7050 aluminum.Pevnost v tahu:
415 – 475 MPa
Pevnost v tahu:
500 – 570 MPa
12 – 18%
MPa, %


Per MPIF 35 standards based on particle size:

TřídaVelikost částic
Ultrafine1 – 20 μm
Velmi jemné15 - 45 μm
Pokuta25 – 75 μm
Relativně hrubý53 – 105 μm

Ultrafine and very fine Al7050 suitable for laser-based fusion.


  • ASTM B233 – Standard for Aluminum Powder and Flake for Thermal Spraying
  • MPIF 35 – Standard for Aluminum and Aluminum Alloy Powders
  • ISO 22053 – Determination of particle size of metal powders used for additive manufacturing

Stanovení cen of aluminium alloy 7050 powder

Reprezentativní ceny, 2023:

Ultrafine$45 – $55 per kg
Velmi jemné$35 – $50 per kg
Pokuta$18 – $35 per kg
Hrubý$12 – $25 per kg

Higher sphericity, smaller and narrow distribution powder sizes command premium pricing.

Pros and Cons of Aluminum Alloy 7050 Powder

Vysoká pevnost: Aluminum alloy 7050 powder boasts excellent strength properties, exceeding those of other commonly used aluminum alloys for additive manufacturing like 6061 or 7075. This makes it suitable for applications requiring high load-bearing capacity, such as aerospace components or structural parts.Limited Ductility: Compared to some other aluminum alloys, 7050 powder exhibits lower ductility, meaning it has a reduced ability to deform plastically before fracture. This can be a drawback for applications requiring some degree of flexibility or bendability.
Dobrá odolnost proti korozi: 7050 aluminum powder offers good resistance to corrosion, particularly for applications involving saltwater environments. The presence of zinc and magnesium in the alloy contributes to this enhanced corrosion performance.Požadavky na následné zpracování: To achieve the optimal mechanical properties of 7050 aluminum, parts printed with 7050 powder often require post-processing steps like hot isostatic pressing (HIP). This adds complexity and cost to the manufacturing process.
Lehké: As with all aluminum alloys, 7050 powder offers a significant weight advantage compared to heavier materials like steel or titanium. This makes it ideal for weight-critical applications in aerospace, automotive, and other industries.Vyšší náklady: Aluminum alloy 7050 powder can be more expensive than some other aluminum powders due to the additional elements included in the alloy and the potential need for specialized manufacturing processes.
Vynikající svařitelnost: 7050 aluminum powder exhibits good weldability, allowing for the joining of 3D printed parts or the creation of hybrid structures combining additively manufactured components with traditionally fabricated elements.Anizotropie: Similar to other metal alloy powders, parts printed with 7050 powder can exhibit anisotropic properties. This means their mechanical strength can vary depending on the printing direction. Careful design considerations are necessary to mitigate this effect.
Tailorable Properties: The specific properties of 7050 aluminum powder can be influenced by adjustments in the manufacturing process, such as powder atomization parameters and heat treatment techniques. This allows for some degree of customization to achieve desired characteristics for a particular application.Safety Precautions: Aluminum alloy 7050 powder, like most metal powders, can pose safety hazards during handling. Proper ventilation, personal protective equipment, and adherence to safety protocols are essential to minimize risks.

prášek ze slitiny hliníku 7050 Dodavatelé

Prominent Al7050 powder manufacturers include:

AlpocoSpojené království
Prášky AMCNěmecko
Výroba kovových práškůSpojené království
Sandvik OspreySpojené království
Technika TLSNěmecko

These and secondary LPF machine suppliers provide application-specific Al7050 powder lots to industrial buyers.

prášek ze slitiny hliníku 7050

Nejčastější dotazy

What is aluminium alloy 7050 powder?Spheroidal gas or water atomized powder of the 7xxx series aerospace alloy with primary alloying additions of zinc and magnesium
What is 7050 alloy powder used for?Additive manufacturing of lightweight structural components for aviation, automotive and marine applications
What is the typical composition of Al7050 powder?∼6% zinc, ∼2.5% magnesium, ∼2.4% copper balanced by aluminium plus trace elements like Fe, Si, Mn.
What are the different varieties of Al7050 powder?Gas atomized, water atomized, plasma atomized and mechanically alloyed powder
What are the properties of Al7050 alloy powder?Density – 2.83 g/cm<sup>3</sup>; tensile strength – over 500 MPa; hardness – 150 to 200 VPN; excellent strength-to-weight ratio; moderate corrosion resistance
What is the typical particle size of Al7050 powder for additive manufacturing?15 to 45 microns classified into Very Fine grade size
Does Al7050 powder require deoxidation or spheroidization before use?Desirable to have lower than 50 to 100 ppm oxygen content; sphericity over 0.9 preferred
Is Al7050 hazardous during handling and storage?No major hazards, but inhalation of fine powder can cause respiratory irritation


With a potent blend of high strength, respectable fracture toughness and moderate corrosion resistance, aluminum 7050 alloy demonstrates attractive properties from among nonferrous powder options for additive manufacturing. Careful attention to powder quality and recyclability promises exceptional in-service structural performance once components are processed via latest generation large powder bed systems.

As aluminum alloys gain wider acceptance across aviation, rocketry and premium automotive sectors, Al7050 powder will spearhead manufacturability of complex lightweight shapes and lattices hitherto unviable, backing new levels of functionality.

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