Hliníkové prášky


Aluminum powders refer to aluminum metal in a powder form, composed of fine aluminum particles. They exhibit unique properties that make them suitable for applications in areas ranging from metallurgy and chemicals manufacturing to pyrotechnics and propulsion. Here is an overview of different types, production methods, properties, applications, and suppliers of aluminum powders.

Types of Aluminum Powders

There are two main types of aluminum powders:

Sférický prášekConsists of spherical or rounded particles produced through atomization process
Irregular powderComposed of non-spherical, flakey, irregularly shaped particles produced via milling or grinding

Hlavní rozdíly: Spherical powders have higher bulk density and flowability but cost more. Irregular powders have lower density and flow but are cheaper.

aluminum powders

Složení a vlastnosti

Aluminum powders contain high levels of aluminum metal along with small amounts of other elements:

ŽivelRozsah složení
hliník (Al)≥ 96%
křemík (Si)0.5-1.5%
železo (Fe)0.4-0.8%
měď (Cu)0 – 0.15%

Klíčové vlastnosti:

  • High chemical reactivity with oxidizing agents
  • Low density – around 1.2 g/cm3
  • Vysoká tepelná a elektrická vodivost
  • Silver-gray color and appearance

Výrobní metody

There are three main industrial production routes:

  1. Atomizace – Melted aluminum is broken into droplets that solidify into powder
  2. Frézování – Mechanical grinding of aluminum metal into fine particles
  3. Elektrolýza – Electrochemical reduction of alumina into fine aluminum

Atomization is the most common method, allowing high volumes of spherical powder. Milling gives irregular shapes for niche uses.

Hliníkový prášek Třídy a velikosti

Aluminum powders are available in various standard grades and sizes:

TřídaRozsah velikosti částicAverage Size
Hrubý44 – 150 μm75 μm
Střední15 – 44 μm25 μm
Pokuta1 – 15 μm5 μm
Extra jemné< 1 μm0.5 μm

Common industrial grade names include:

  • Aluminum bronze powder
  • Atomized aluminum powder
  • Aluminum flake powder

Applications of Aluminum Powders

Key uses stem from aluminum’s reactive nature, low density, and conductive properties:

PrůmyslMajor Applications
Metals & MaterialsAdditive manufacturing powders, brake pads, sand castings
ChemikáliePyrotechnics, explosives, solid rocket propellants
Automobilový průmyslAuto paint pigments, friction modifiers
ElektronikaConductive films, pastes, thermal management
KonstrukceThermite welding agents, reactive powder concrete

Other niches: 3D printing, diamonds tools, inks, and decorative coatings.

Aluminum Powder Suppliers

Leading global suppliers include:

Toyal America IncUSA
UC RUnited StatesLSpojené království
Hokkaido Alpine Co LtdJaponsko
Noranda AluminumKanada
Henan Yuanyang Powder TechnologyČína

Pricing is approximately $3-6 per kg for typical industrial-grade powder.

Srovnání Hliníkové prášky

Hustota baleníHigh 0.7-1.2 g/ccLow <0.5 g/cc
Automation suitabilityIdealNáročný

Key Takeaways

  • Spherical, atomized powders have better handling but irregular types maximize surface area and reactivity at a lower cost.
  • Finer grades below 10 microns show stronger explosive potentials needing cautious handling.
  • Aluminum powders drive innovation in materials technology through unique chemistry and metastability.

Nejčastější dotazy

What are the hazards of aluminum powders?

As reactive metals, aluminum powders can pose explosion hazards when handled incorrectly, especially at particle sizes under 5 microns. They require inert storage conditions and safety measures.

What is aluminum powder coating?

Aluminum powder coating refers to a specialized protective finish containing aluminum pigments. It is applied through electrostatic spraying and baked to form a decorative and corrosion-resistant coating.

What is the difference between aluminum flake and aluminum paste?

Aluminum flake contains leafing aluminum pigments with high aspect ratios used in coatings. Aluminum paste has the flake dispersed in a liquid carrier for easier application as a thick film paint or polish.

What is the shelf life of aluminum powders?

Properly stored aluminum powders have an approximate shelf life of up to 3 years before noticeable oxidation effects. Finer grades under 10 microns deteriorate faster and require moisture-free inert storage. Reactive specialty grades like pyro powders are the most sensitive.

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