Cu 99,95 Prášek

Prášek Cu 99,95, označovaný také jako elektrolytický tvrdý smolinec (ETP), je prášková měď vysoké čistoty obsahující minimálně 99,95% mědi. Má vynikající elektrickou a tepelnou vodivost v kombinaci s dobrými mechanickými vlastnostmi. Klíčové aplikace zahrnují elektrické kontakty, kartáče, svařovací výrobky, pájení, třecí materiály a diamantové nástroje.

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Overview of Cu 99.95 Powder

Cu 99.95 powder, also referred to as electrolytic tough pitch (ETP) copper powder, is a high purity copper powder containing a minimum of 99.95% copper.

It has excellent electrical and thermal conductivity combined with good mechanical properties. Key applications include electrical contacts, brushes, welding products, brazing, friction materials and diamond tools.

Some key properties and advantages of Cu 99.95 powder include:

Cu 99.95 Powder Properties and Characteristics

Vlastnosti Podrobnosti
Složení 99.95% minimum copper
Hustota 8.94 g/cc
Tvar částic Nepravidelné, hranaté
Rozsah velikostí 2-150 microns
Zdánlivá hustota Až 50% skutečné hustoty
Tekutost Nízká až střední
Vodivost Vynikající elektrická a tepelná vodivost
Spékavost Good sinterability in H2 atmosphere
Čistota High purity copper

Cu 99.95 provides an optimal balance of conductivity, mechanical properties, sintering characteristics and cost for fabrication of parts via pressing and sintering.

Cu 99.95 Powder Composition

Typical composition of Cu 99.95 powder:

Cu 99.95 Powder Composition

Živel Hmotnost %
měď (Cu) 99.95% min
Kyslík (O) 0,05% max
Olovo (Pb) 0.005% max
Ostatní nečistoty 0.005% max
  • Copper provides excellent conductivity and ductility
  • Oxygen present as impurity affects conductivity and sintering
  • Lead and other impurities carefully controlled

High copper content gives excellent electrical and thermal conductivity combined with good mechanical properties after sintering.

Cu 99,95 Prášek

Cu 99.95 Powder Physical Properties

Cu 99.95 Powder Physical Properties

Vlastnosti Hodnoty
Hustota 8.94 g/cc
Bod tání 1083°C
Tepelná vodivost 400 W/mK
Elektrický odpor 1.72 μΩ-cm
Teplota rekrystalizace 200-300°C
Curieho teplota -269°C
  • High density compared to iron and aluminum
  • Excellent thermal conductivity for heat removal
  • Nízký elektrický odpor zajišťuje vysokou vodivost
  • Resistivity increases above Curie temperature
  • Recrystallization enables sintering and improves ductility

The physical properties make Cu 99.95 suitable for applications like electrical contacts and brushes requiring high conductivity.

Cu 99.95 Powder Mechanical Properties

Cu 99.95 Powder Mechanical Properties

Vlastnosti Hodnoty
Pevnost v tahu 220-340 MPa
Pevnost v tahu 70-190 MPa
Prodloužení 35-60%
Tvrdost 45-90 HB
Modul pružnosti 110-130 GPa
Pevnost v tlaku 500-700 MPa
  • Good combination of strength and high ductility
  • Relatively low hardness and high malleability
  • Moderate strength levels compared to high strength alloys
  • Properties depend on factors like porosity and grain size

The mechanical properties make Cu 99.95 suitable for softer conductive components that require deformation and compressive strength.

Cu 99.95 Powder Applications

Typical applications of Cu 99.95 powder include:

Cu 99.95 Powder Applications

Průmysl Příklady použití
Electrical and electronics Contacts, connectors, brushes, RF shielding
Automobilový průmysl Brushes, bushings, bearings
Průmyslový Welding electrodes, casting molds, metal matrix composites
Výrobní Brazing and soldering, tooling components
Friction products Brake pads, clutch discs

Some specific uses:

  • Sliding electrical contacts and brushes
  • Structural components requiring conductivity
  • Jewelry crafting and artisanal products
  • Diamond tools with copper metal matrix
  • Welding rods and brazing paste formulations
  • Mold liners for casting reactive alloys

The excellent balance of conductivity, mechanical properties, formability and cost make Cu 99.95 suitable for this broad range of applications.

Cu 99.95 Powder Specifications

Key specifications for Cu 99.95 powder include:

Cu 99.95 Powder Specifications

Standard Popis
ASTM B602 Standard specification for undeformed, wrought, electrolytic tough pitch copper
JIS H3125 Electrolytic copper and copper alloy powders
ISO 3497 Copper powders for general purposes
ASTM B Guidance Apparent density, flow rate, particle size distribution

Tyto normy definují:

  • Minimum 99.95% copper content
  • Limits on impurities like O, Pb
  • Required powder characteristics
  • Production method – electrolytic process
  • Přijatelná distribuce velikosti částic
  • Testing methods for powder properties

Compliance ensures the powder meets the required purity and properties for the intended application.

Cu 99.95 Powder Particle Sizes

Cu 99.95 Powder Particle Size Distribution

Velikost částic Charakteristika
2-20 microns Very fine powder used in microelectronics
5-30 microns Fine powder for sintering and injection molding
15-150 mikronů Coarse powder suitable for pressing
  • Finer powder sizes provide greater sintered density
  • Coarse powder has better flowability for automated filling
  • Size range tailored based on part requirements
  • Both irregular and spherical powder shapes are available

Controlling particle size distribution allows optimizing pressing characteristics, sintered density and properties.

Cu 99.95 Powder Apparent Density

Cu 99.95 Powder Apparent Density

Zdánlivá hustota Podrobnosti
Až 50% skutečné hustoty Pro nepravidelnou morfologii prášku
3.5-5.0 g/cc typical Compacts to nearly full density after pressing and sintering
  • Vyšší zdánlivá hustota zlepšuje tok prášku a jeho zhutnitelnost.
  • Nepravidelná morfologie omezuje maximální hustotu balení
  • S optimalizovaným sférickým práškem je možné dosáhnout hodnot až 60%.
  • High green density after compaction enables good sintering

Higher apparent density improves manufacturing productivity and part quality.

Cu 99.95 Powder Production Method

Cu 99.95 Powder Production

Metoda Podrobnosti
Elektrolýza Copper cathodes dissolved anodically into Cu+ ions which are deposited onto stainless steel cathodes
Broušení Coarse powder broken down and classified into specific size ranges
Žíhání Softens the powder particles and improves compressibility
Reducing atmosphere Prevents oxidation of particles during production
  • Automated electrolytic process allows high purity powder production
  • Grinding and sieving provides controlled particle size distribution
  • Annealing enables easy compaction into high density parts
  • Strict process control ensures reliable and consistent powder quality

Cu 99.95 Powder Pricing

Cu 99.95 Powder Pricing

Faktor Dopad na cenu
Stupeň čistoty Vyšší stupně čistoty jsou dražší
Velikost částic Ultrafine is more expensive
Objednané množství Price decreases with bulk orders
Způsob výroby Additional processing increases cost
Balení Special packaging like vacuum sealing adds cost

Orientační ceny

  • Cu 99.95 fine powder: $8-12 per kg
  • Cu 99.95 coarse powder: $7-10 per kg
  • Reduced pricing applicable for bulk orders >500 kg

Pricing depends on order volume, particle size, production method, purity level and packaging.

Cu 99.95 Powder Suppliers

Cu 99.95 Powder Suppliers

Společnost Umístění
Kymera International USA
GGP Metalpowder Německo
American Chemet Corporation USA
Šanghaj CNPC Práškový materiál Čína
Nuclead Francie
Libo Metals Čína

Faktory výběru dodavatelů:

  • Powder purity levels and grades offered
  • Výrobní kapacita a dodací lhůty
  • Průměrná velikost částic
  • Customization of size distribution
  • Packaging and minimum order quantity
  • Úrovně cen na základě objemu objednávky
  • Compliance with international specifications

Cu 99.95 Powder Handling and Storage

Cu 99.95 Powder Handling

Doporučení Důvod
Vyhněte se vdechování Potenciální podráždění dýchacích cest
Use masks, gloves Prevent ingestion
Zajistěte dostatečné větrání Snížení množství částic v ovzduší
Vyhněte se zdrojům vznícení Nebezpečí hořlavého prachu
Dodržujte antistatické postupy Zabraňte požáru způsobenému statickým výbojem
Používejte nejiskřící nástroje Avoid ignition during handling
Store in cool, dry location Zabraňuje oxidaci a absorpci vlhkosti

Doporučení pro ukládání

  • Store in sealed containers away from acids or chlorides
  • Udržování teploty pod 27 °C
  • Limit exposure to:
    • Oxidizing acids like nitric acid
    • Hot sulfuric acid
    • Hydrogen sulfide
    • Ammonia solutions
    • Chlorinated hydrocarbons

Proper handling and storage helps preserve purity and prevent reactivity or fire hazards.

Cu 99.95 Powder Inspection and Testing

Cu 99.95 Powder Testing

Typ testu Podrobnosti
Chemická analýza ICP analysis to verify composition
Distribuce velikosti částic Laserová difrakční analýza
Zdánlivá hustota Zkouška Hallovým průtokoměrem podle normy ASTM B212
Morfologie prášku Zobrazování pomocí SEM
Hustota poklepání Measured after mechanical tapping
Analýza průtoku Gravitační průtok určenou tryskou

Stringent testing ensures the powder meets chemical, physical and morphological specifications required for the application.

Cu 99.95 Powder Pros and Cons

Advantages of Cu 99.95 Powder

  • Vynikající elektrická a tepelná vodivost
  • Good ductility and malleability
  • Cost-effective compared to pure silver or gold
  • Good corrosion resistance and bio-compatibility
  • Easy to sinter and compress into high density parts
  • Recyklovatelné a šetrné k životnímu prostředí

Limitations of Cu 99.95 Powder

  • Lower strength than high strength alloys
  • Mírná odolnost proti oxidaci při vysokých teplotách
  • Heavy compared to magnesium and aluminum
  • Not suitable for highly stressed load-bearing components
  • Surface tarnishing over time if uncoated
  • Restricted food contact applications

Comparison With CuCrZr Powder

Cu 99.95 vs CuCrZr Powder

Parametr Cu 99.95 CuCrZr
Hustota 8.94 g/cc 8,8 g/cc
Síla 220-340 MPa 450-650 MPa
Vodivost Vynikající Mírný
Tepelná stabilita Veletrh Vynikající
Náklady Nízký Vysoký
Používá Electrical, thermal,moderate load High strength structural parts
  • Cu 99.95 has better conductivity and lower cost
  • CuCrZr provides higher strength and thermal stability
  • Cu 99.95 suitable for softer conductive components
  • CuCrZr preferred for high load structural parts

Cu 99.95 Powder FAQs

Q: What are the main applications of Cu 99.95 powder?

A: The main applications include electrical contacts, brushes, welding products, diamond tools, brazing alloys, friction materials, and metal matrix composites. It is widely used in electronics, automotive and industrial products.

Q: What affects the properties of Cu 99.95 powder parts?

A: Key factors affecting properties are apparent density, amount of lubricant, compacting pressure, sintering time/temperature, powder composition, particle size distribution, and presence of impurities.

Q: What precautions should be taken when handling Cu 99.95 powder?

A: Recommended precautions include avoiding inhalation, ensuring proper ventilation, wearing protective gear, controlling static discharge, using non-sparking tools, avoiding ignition sources, and storing in a cool, dry location in sealed containers.

Q: How does Cu 99.95 powder differ from bronze and brass powders?

A: Bronze and brass are copper alloys with tin and zinc while Cu 99.95 is pure copper. It has higher conductivity but lower strength than bronze or brass. Cu 99.95 is more cost-effective.

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