FeCoNiCrTi prášek

Prášek FeCoNiCrTi je slitina složená ze železa (Fe), kobaltu (Co), niklu (Ni), chromu (Cr) a titanu (Ti). Patří do třídy vysokoentropických slitin (HEA), což je relativně nová třída materiálů s jedinečnými vlastnostmi. HEA se vyznačují mimořádnou pevností, tvrdostí a odolností proti opotřebení a korozi. Prášek FeCoNiCrTi se obvykle vyrábí procesem práškové metalurgie, což umožňuje přesnou kontrolu jeho složení a velikosti částic.

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Overview of FeCoNiCrTi Powder

FeCoNiCrTi is a high-performance alloy exhibiting good mechanical properties and corrosion resistance at elevated temperatures. Iron and cobalt impart excellent high temperature strength. Nickel enhances ductility and toughness. Chromium provides outstanding oxidation and corrosion resistance.

Key characteristics of FeCoNiCrTi powder include:

  • Vynikající pevnost při vysokých teplotách a odolnost proti tečení
  • Good ductility, toughness and fabricability
  • Outstanding oxidation and corrosion resistance
  • High thermal stability and microstructural stability
  • K dispozici v různých distribucích velikosti částic a morfologií

FeCoNiCrTi powder is suitable for high temperature structural parts, protective coatings, and other demanding applications requiring temperature capability, strength, and environmental resistance.

Composition of FeCoNiCrTi Powder

FeCoNiCrTi powder has the following nominal composition:

Živel Složení
železo (Fe) Zůstatek
Kobalt (Co) 35-50%
nikl (Ni) 10-30%
Chrom (Cr) 8-12%
titan (Ti) 0.5-2%
uhlík (C) 0,5% max
křemík (Si) 1% max
mangan (Mn) 1% max

FeCoNiCrTi prášek

The levels of cobalt, nickel, chromium and titanium can be adjusted based on application requirements. Impurities like carbon, silicon and manganese are minimized.

Properties of FeCoNiCrTi Powder

FeCoNiCrTi powder possesses the following properties:

Vlastnictví Hodnota
Hustota 8,0-8,5 g/cm3
Bod tání 1300-1400°C
Tepelná vodivost 10-30 W/mK
Elektrický odpor 70-90 μΩ.cm
Youngův modul 180-220 GPa
Poissonův poměr 0.28-0.32
Pevnost v tahu 650-1100 MPa
Mez kluzu 450-750 MPa
Prodloužení 10-30%
Tvrdost 25-50 HRC


The properties like tensile strength, creep resistance, and microstructural stability are maintained at temperatures exceeding 1000°C making it suitable for high temperature applications.

Production Method for FeCoNiCrTi Powder

Common production methods for FeCoNiCrTi powder include:

  • Atomizace plynu – High pressure inert gas jet used to disintegrate molten alloy stream into fine spherical powder particles providing good flow and packing density.
  • Atomizace vody – High velocity water jet impacts and disintegrates molten stream to produce fine irregular powders. Lower cost but higher oxygen pickup.
  • Mechanické legování – Ball milling of elemental metal powders followed by sintering to synthesize the alloy powder.

Gas atomization provides the best control over powder characteristics. Particle size distribution can be tailored as per application requirements.

Applications of FeCoNiCrTi Powder

FeCoNiCrTi powder is used in high temperature applications like:

  • Aditivní výroba – Selective laser melting, electron beam melting to produce complex parts for extreme environments requiring high temperature strength.
  • Tepelné nástřiky – Wire arc spraying to deposit thick coatings providing wear and corrosion resistance at elevated temperatures.
  • Pájecí plnivo – For joining high temperature alloys and ceramics needing oxidation resistance.
  • Zpracování skla - Dopravní válce pro práškovou metalurgii s vysokou teplotní pevností používané v pecích na tavení skla.
  • Prášková metalurgie – High strength structural parts like turbine blades and vanes produced through press and sinter process.
  • Svařovací spotřební materiál – Used as filler material to provide excellent weld strength and corrosion resistance.

Specifications of FeCoNiCrTi Powder

FeCoNiCrTi powder is available in various size ranges, morphologies and grades:

  • Velikost částic: V rozmezí 10-45 mikronů u metod AM a až 150 mikronů u procesů tepelného nástřiku.
  • Morfologie: Spherical, irregular and blended powder shapes. Spherical powder provides optimal flow and packing.
  • Čistota: From commercial to high purity grades based on impurity levels and application requirements.
  • Plocha povrchu: Preferuje se nízký povrch, aby se minimalizovala oxidace při manipulaci a skladování.
  • stupně: Customized composition and powder characteristics based on intended application and processing method.

Global Suppliers of FeCoNiCrTi Powder

Some of the major global suppliers of FeCoNiCrTi powder include:

  • Sandvik Osprey (Velká Británie)
  • Hoganas (Švédsko)
  • Praxair (USA)
  • CNPC Powder (Čína)
  • Erasteel (Francie)
  • Tekna (Kanada)

These companies produce various grades of FeCoNiCrTi powder using gas atomization, water atomization, and other techniques tailored for additive manufacturing, thermal spray, brazing and other high temperature applications.

Pricing of FeCoNiCrTi Powder

FeCoNiCrTi powder prices depend on factors like:

  • Composition and purity levels
  • Rozložení velikosti částic a morfologie
  • Způsob výroby
  • Objednané množství
  • Dodavatel a umístění
Třída Cenové rozpětí
Komerční $50-100 za kg
Vysoká čistota $100-250 per kg
Ultrafine $250-450 za kg
Speciální třída $450-850 za kg


Gas atomized, high purity and fine powder sizes command much higher pricing compared to simple commercial grades.

Storage and Handling of FeCoNiCrTi Powder

FeCoNiCrTi powder requires careful storage and handling:

  • Měly by být skladovány v uzavřených nádobách pod inertním plynem, aby se zabránilo oxidaci.
  • Zabraňte hromadění jemného prášku, abyste minimalizovali riziko výbuchu prachu.
  • Use appropriate PPE, ventilation and safety practices when handling
  • Zabraňte kontaktu prášku s neslučitelnými materiály.
  • Follow applicable safety data sheet from the supplier

Proper grounding, blanketing, and caution must be exercised when handling this reactive alloy powder.

Inspection and Testing of FeCoNiCrTi Powder

Key tests used for quality control of FeCoNiCrTi powder include:

  • Chemical analysis using OES or XRF to ensure composition meets specifications
  • Particle size distribution analysis as per ASTM B822 standard
  • Morfologická analýza pomocí SEM
  • Powder flow rate measurement using Hall flowmeter as per ASTM B213
  • Měření hustoty pomocí heliové pyknometrie
  • Testování nečistot pomocí ICP-MS
  • Charakterizace mikrostruktury pomocí rentgenové difrakce

Thorough testing and inspection ensures reliable and consistent powder quality meeting performance requirements.

Comparison Between FeCoNiCrTi and Inconel 718 Powder

FeCoNiCrTi and Inconel 718 are two high temperature alloy powders compared:

Parametr FeCoNiCrTi Inconel 718
Složení Quinary alloy Ni-Cr-Fe-Nb alloy
Náklady Vyšší Dolní
Síla Higher at very high temperatures Vynikající do 700 °C
Odolnost proti oxidaci Srovnatelné Srovnatelné
Zpracovatelnost Mírný Vynikající
Aplikace Tepelný nástřik, svařování Letecké komponenty, pružiny
Dostupnost Mírný Snadno dostupné


FeCoNiCrTi offers better high temperature strength whereas Inconel 718 has good fabricability and availability.

FeCoNiCrTi Powder FAQs

Q: How is FeCoNiCrTi powder produced?

A: FeCoNiCrTi powder is commercially produced using gas atomization, water atomization, and mechanical alloying followed by sintering. Gas atomization provides the best control of particle characteristics.

Q: What is FeCoNiCrTi powder used for?

A: FeCoNiCrTi finds use in high temperature applications like additive manufacturing, thermal spray coatings, brazing filler, powder metallurgy parts, welding consumables where temperature resistance, strength and environmental resistance is needed.

Q: What is the recommended powder size for thermal spraying?

A: For most thermal spray processes, a particle size range of 45-150 microns is preferred for FeCoNiCrTi powder to maximize deposition efficiency and coating properties.

Q: Does FeCoNiCrTi powder require special handling precautions?

A: Yes, it is recommended to carefully handle this reactive fine alloy powder using inert atmosphere, proper grounding, ventilation and PPE to control hazards.

Q: Where can I buy FeCoNiCrTi powder suitable for additive manufacturing?

A: Fine gas atomized FeCoNiCrTi powder meeting AM requirements can be purchased from leading manufacturers like Sandvik, Hoganas, Praxair, and Erasteel.

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