superalloys metal powder


superalloys metal powder enable additive manufacturing of high strength, heat resistant alloy components unmatched by conventional metals. This guide covers superalloy compositions, powder specifications, properties data, pricing insights and comparisons to inform powder metallurgy procurement decisions.

superalloys metal powder

Introduction to superalloys metal powder

Key capabilities of superalloy powders:

  • Withstand extreme temperatures up to 85% of melting points
  • Retain strength, corrosion resistance and stability in harsh environments
  • Facilitate innovative complex part geometries through AM

Common classification groups:

  • Nickel-based – Inconel, Waspaloy, Rene alloys
  • Cobalt-based – Haynes, HS alloys
  • Iron-based – A286, 901, 304 variants

This guide provides considerations when selecting superalloy powder:

  • Alloy Compositions and Powder Production Methods
  • Mechanical Properties, Test Methods and Data Sheets
  • Particle Size Distribution Specifications
  • Powder Morphology Characteristics and Consistency
  • Pricing Models Based on Order Volumes
  • Odolnost proti oxidaci a korozi
  • Pros vs Cons: Powder vs Solid Bar
  • FAQs on Quality Control and Applications

Let us explore superalloy powders specifically…

superalloys metal powder Složení

Tabulka 1 shows nominal compositions of common nickel and cobalt-based superalloys with some variation between powder manufacturers.

SlitinaKlíčové legující prvky
Inconel 718Ni, Fe, Nb, Mo, Al
Inconel 625Ni, Cr, Mo, Nb
Rene 41Ni, Co, Cr, Mo, Ti, Al
WaspaloyNi, Co, Cr, Mo, Ti, Al
Haynes 282Co, Cr, W, Mo, Ti, Al

Small additions of boron, carbon, zirconium and silicon also tailor grain structure, strengthen boundaries and enhance high temperature behavior through precipitate formation.

Mechanické vlastnosti a zkušební metody

Tabulka 2 shows typical minimum mechanical properties met by common superalloy powders, with actual values varying based on build geometry, post-processing, and heat treatment.

SlitinaMez kluzu Pevnost v tahuZkušební metoda
Inconel 7181035 MPa1275 MPaASTM E8
Rene 41760 MPa1035 MPaASTM E8
Haynes 282830 MPa1035 MPaASTM E8

Review test reports carefully to ensure powder lots procured meet certification requirements and application needs.

superalloys metal powder Particle Size Specs

Tabulka 3 shows particle size distribution categories generally used to classify superalloy powders:

Rozsah velikostíTypical Mesh
Submikronové-100 +325 mesh
Pokuta-140 +325 mesh
Extra jemné-200 +325 mesh

Other key particle characteristics:

  • Sférická morfologie
  • Satellite free smooth surfaces
  • Controlled size distribution
  • Flow rates >30s in Hall funnel

For printing, 25-45 micron mean sizes give a good balance of resolution and flowability. Adjust based on specific machine capabilities and minimum feature sizes needed.

superalloys metal powder Stanovení cen

Tabulka 4 provides rough superalloy powder price estimates under typical market conditions:

Objednané množstvíPrice Estimate
10 kg$450+/kg
100 kg$275+/kg
500 kg$225+/kg
1000+ kgSubkey discounts
  • Special alloys command premium baseline pricing
  • Large orders in 500-1000+ kg range enable >50% discounts from list price points through bulk buying leverage
  • Actual market prices tied to raw material input price fluctuations

Odolnost proti oxidaci a korozi

Superalloys maintain exceptional stability even when exposed to extreme environments:

Tabulka 5

SlitinaTypical Service Temp.Odolnost proti korozi
Inconel 718700°CVynikající
Rene 41760°CVynikající
Haynes 2821095°CVynikající

Carefully engineered compositions with nickel, chromium and aluminum form tenacious passivating oxide barriers protecting surfaces against attack up to very high proportions of melting points.

Elements like molybdenum further boost pitting and crevice corrosion resistance.

Pros vs Cons: Powder vs Solid Bar

Table 6

Superalloy Metal PowderSložité tvaryVyšší náklady
Superior propertiesNásledné zpracování
Weight reductionOptimalizace parametrů
Superalloy Solid BarNižší nákladyTvarové limity
DostupnostMnohem těžší
ObrobitelnostMateriálový odpad

In general, superalloy powder justifies premiums for low volume complex components where advanced properties are vital. Standard mill forms offer affordability for simple shapes in high production use cases.

superalloys metal powder

Nejčastější dotazy

Tabulka 7 – Common questions:

Měl bych zkontrolovat zprávy o testech?Yes, scrutinize all certs thoroughly to ensure powder quality
S jakou velikostí částic prášku mám začít?25-45u provides a robust starting point
What factors affect consistency?Raw powder production method impacts variability
Kolik prášku bych si měl zpočátku koupit?Start small scale to validate print process control

Tabulka 8 – Application-specific advice:

What post processing should I use for hot section turbine blades?Hot Isostatic Pressing to remove pores and enhance fatigue performance
What alloy maximizes high temperature yield strength?Consider Rene 41 or Haynes 282 alloys
How can I minimize part anisotropy effects?Utilize elevated temperature heat treatments to relieve stresses
What’s better for cryogenic parts – powder or cast?Powder enables complex conformal channels unlike castings

znát více procesů 3D tisku

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