Titanium Powders Guide


Titanium powders are finely divided metallic titanium particles used in various applications due to their unique properties like high strength-to-weight ratio, corrosion resistance, and biocompatibility. This guide provides a detailed overview of different types of titanium powders, their composition, properties, manufacturing methods, applications, and suppliers.

Overview of Titanium Powders

Titanium powders come in various purity levels, particle sizes, and morphologies for use in diverse applications across aerospace, automotive, chemical, medical, military, and other industries.

Key features that make titanium powders useful:

  • Vysoký poměr pevnosti a hmotnosti
  • Vynikající odolnost proti korozi
  • Low density compared to other metallic materials
  • Biokompatibilita a netoxičnost
  • Schopnost odolávat extrémním teplotám
  • High chemical stability across various environments
  • Versatile manufacturing and processing options

With advancing technology, titanium powders with more controlled particle characteristics are being produced to meet application demands.

titanové prášky

Typy Titanové prášky

Titanium powders can be categorized based on composition, production method, particle morphology, particle size distribution, and other parameters:

Složení titanového prášku

TypČistotaKlíčové prvky
Komerčně čistý titan99.5-99.9% TiFe, C, N, O
Slitina Ti-6Al-4V90% Ti, 6% Al, 4% VAl, V
Ti-3Al-2.5V alloy97% Ti, 3% Al, 2.5% VAl, V
  • Commercially pure titanium has higher corrosion resistance. Titanium alloys provide increased strength.
  • Other alloying elements like molybdenum, zirconium, tin, silicon, copper, and chromium can also be present depending on required properties.

Titanium Powder Production Method

MetodaPodrobnostiCharakteristiky částic
Hydrid-dehydrid (HDH)Ti sponge reacted with H2, then decomposedIrregular morphology, wide size distribution
Rozprašování plynuMolten Ti disintegrated by N2/Ar jetsSpherical, controlled size distribution
Plazmová atomizaceHigher energy than gas atomizationSpherical, fine particles
Indukční atomizace tavicího plynu na elektrodách (EIGA)Combines induction skull melting with gas atomizationSpherical, controlled oxygen content
  • Gas-atomized powders have more spherical particles ideal for additive manufacturing whereas HDH powders are irregular.
  • Plasma-atomized powders can produce finer particles below 15 microns.

Titanium Powder Particle Morphology

TypTvarTextura povrchu
NepravidelnéNon-spherical random shapesRough surfaces
GranulovanéRounded with visible facetsSmooth with some pits
SférickéVery round overallVery smooth
  • Particle shape influences powder flow, packing density, layer uniformity in AM processes.
  • Smoother, spherical powders provide better performance in most metal AM systems.

Titanium Powder Particle Size Distribution

Titanium powders suitable for AM processes like laser powder bed fusion (L-PBF) and directed energy deposition (DED) have particle size distributions between:

  • 15-45 mikronů
  • 45-150 mikronů

Finer 15-45 micron powders allow higher resolution while coarser 45-150 powders minimize entrapped gases and improve flowability.

Properties of Titanium Powders

Key properties of titanium powders are:

Table: Titanium Powder Properties

Hustota4,5 g/cc
Bod tání1668°C
Tepelná vodivostLow, 6.7 W/mK
Elektrická vodivostLow, 0.4 MS/m
Chemical reactivityForms stable oxide layer in air
Mechanická sílaVysoký poměr pevnosti a hmotnosti
Odolnost proti koroziResistant to wide variety of acids, chlorides, other chemicals
at elevated temperatures
BiokompatibilitaExcellent, non-toxic, non-allergenic
  • The oxide layer makes titanium resistant to corrosion and provides bio-inertness.
  • Titanium has the highest strength-to-weight ratio among metals after beryllium.
  • Alloying improves high temperature mechanical properties significantly.

Manufacturing Methods for Titanium Powders

Commonly used techniques to produce titanium powders include:

Table: Titanium Powder Manufacturing Methods

MetodaPrincip fungováníCharakteristiky částic
Hydrid-dehydrid (HDH)Ti sponge is reacted with H<sub>2</sub> to form brittle TiH<sub>2</sub> which is crushed and decomposed to powderIrregular shapes, wide size distribution
Rozprašování plynuHigh velocity inert gas jets disintegrate molten titanium stream into droplets that solidify into powderSpherical particles, controlled size distribution
Plazmová atomizaceSimilar to gas atomization but higher energy plasma arc usedFiner spherical particles, satellite formations
Electrode Induction gas atomization (EIGA)Combines induction melting in cold copper crucible with gas atomizationFiner particles, lower oxygen pickup

Additional steps like sieving, deoxygenation or consolidation can further modify powders for specific applications.

Aplikace z Titanové prášky

Key applications taking advantage of titanium powder properties:

Table: Titanium Powder Applications

AerospaceForging, casting engine parts; AM of airframe, turbine componentsVysoký poměr pevnosti a hmotnosti
ChemickéEquipment like heat exchangers, tanks, pipesOdolnost proti korozi
Automobilový průmyslValves, connecting rods, suspensionsLightweight, durable
BiomedicínaImplantáty, protézy, zařízeníBiocompatibility, osseointegration
Vojenské stránkyBallistics armor plates, vehiclesVysoká pevnost, nízká hustota
Aditivní výrobaL-PBF of Ti-6Al-4V components for aerospace, automotiveEconomic production of complex, lightweight parts
  • Biocompatibility allows titanium implant integration with minimal inflammatory response.
  • Ability to 3D print intricate titanium components expands production flexibility.

In particular, titanium alloy Ti-6Al-4V dominates in aviation, medical implants, and metal AM applications due to its strength, workability and corrosion resistance combined with commercial availability.

Titanium Powder Specifications

Industrial titanium powders for AM and other applications need to conform to specifications for composition, particle size distribution, morphology, flow characteristics, impurity levels and other parameters.

Table: Titanium Powder Specifications

ParametrTypical specificationTest method
Velikost částic15-45 μm; 45-150 μmLaser diffraction, sieve
Tvar částicAspect ratio below 3Microscopy
Zdánlivá hustotaAbove 2.5 g/ccHallův průtokoměr
Hustota poklepáníAž 4 g/ccASTM B527
Průtoková rychlost25-35 s/50gHallův průtokoměr
Obsah kyslíkuBelow 0.2 wt%Fúze inertních plynů
Obsah dusíkuBelow 0.05 wt%Fúze inertních plynů
Obsah vodíkuBelow 0.0125 wt%Fúze inertních plynů

Meeting powder quality benchmarks ensures consistency, reliability and performance in AM production.

Suppliers of Titanium Powders

Key titanium powder manufacturers and suppliers globally include:

Table: Titanium Powder Suppliers

SpolečnostTřídy práškuProduction methods
AP&CTi-6Al-4V, Ti-64 ELI, Ti Grade 2Plazmová atomizace
Technika TLSTi-6Al-4V, Ti Grade 2, Ti Grade 5Rozprašování plynu
Praxair (T.I.P.)CP Ti, Ti-6Al-4VVíce
SLMP MalloryCP Ti, Ti-6Al-4VHDH, Gas atomization
Přísada pro tesařeTi-6Al-4VRozprašování plynu
SandvikMultiple Ti alloysPlazmová atomizace
Technologie LPWCP Ti, slitiny TiPlazmová atomizace

Prices vary from $50/kg for irregular powder to over $1000/kg for highly spherical plasma atomized materials used in demanding applications like aerospace components.

Comparison of Titanium Powders

Table: Comparison of Titanium Powder Types

ParametrHDH powderRozprášený plynRozprašování plazmou
Tvar částicNepravidelnéZaoblenéVysoce sférický
Size range (μm)50-25015-1505-45
Production costNízkýMírnýVysoký
Obsah kyslíkuVyššíDolníNejnižší
PoužíváLisování a spékáníMetal injection molding, hot isostatic pressingAM (DED, L-PBF)

HDH powders are less expensive but irregular particles limit use to press and sinter technologies while plasma atomized powder, despite high cost, provides excellent flow and melting properties for demanding additive manufacturing. Gas atomized powder offers a good balance for most applications.

Výhody a omezení Titanové prášky

Table: Advantages and Limitations of Titanium Powders

Vysoký poměr pevnosti a hmotnostiDrahé ve srovnání s ocelí
Retains properties at elevated temperaturesVyžaduje zpracování v řízené atmosféře
Resistant to wide range of chemicalsNízká tepelná vodivost
Completely recyclableSusceptible to contamination like oxygen pick-up
Nemagnetické a nejiskřícíDifficult to machine in certain alloy forms
Readily fabricated into complex shapesLimited supplier base especially for high grade powder

Titanium’s merits make it suitable for specialized applications despite drawbacks like high cost and sensitivity to contamination during reuse or recycling.

titanové prášky

Často kladené otázky

1. Why is high purity important for titanium powders meant for medical or aerospace applications?

High purity minimize adverse biological responses and ensure reliable performance under demanding service conditions over product lifetimes spanning decades. Trace elements can negatively impact mechanical properties or corrosion resistance.

2. What is the benefit of spheroidal titanium powders for AM?

Spherical powders with smooth surface texture provide excellent flowability, spreadability, packing density and layer uniformity during laser or e-beam melting processes, resulting in higher quality 3D printed components.

3. Which titanium powder production method yields finest particle sizes?

Plasma atomization of titanium can yield extremely fine particles down to 5-15 micron range owing to higher energy input, allowing very high resolution AM processing. However, productivity is lower than gas atomization.

4. Why is gas atomization the most popular titanium powder making method?

Gas atomized powders offer a good balance of particle size distribution, spherical morphology, bulk density and moderate oxygen pickup during production at reasonable cost. This allows great flexibility in meeting specifications for pressing, AM, thermal spray or other powder metallurgy technologies.

5. What is meant by ‘satellite particles’ in plasma atomized titanium powder?

Satellites refer to very fine undersized particles that adhere to the surface of coarser particles during the rapid solidification. These satellites can get entrapped in layers, negatively impacting consolidation and density.


With their high strength, low density, temperature resistance, corrosion performance and biocompatibility, titanium powders serve critical applications across aerospace, medical, automotive, chemical and military sectors.

Modern gas, plasma and induction melting atomization methods can produce titanium powders with tailored particle characteristics to maximize performance in powder bed AM processes as well as metal injection molding, pressing and sintering, thermal spray, and more.

Leading titanium powder producers offer various grades including commercially pure titanium along with workhorse alloys like Ti-6Al-4V meeting key benchmarks for size distribution, shape and purity.

Despite higher costs versus steel, titanium powders provide the requisite combination of mechanical and chemical properties to justify use in mission-critical rotating parts, armor protection systems, biomedical implants and 3D printed components where performance, life span and reliability are vital.

Continuing R&D focused on powder manufacturing, post-processing, alloy development and qualification aims to expand adoption across aerospace, defense, motorsports and medical sectors where titanium’s capabilities can enable next generation transportation and health technologies.

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