Fournisseurs de poudre pour imprimantes 3D

Table des matières

3D printing technology relies on powdered material to build objects layer-by-layer. Selecting the right powder is critical for part quality, mechanical properties, accuracy, detail resolution, and surface finish. This article provides an overview of different types of powders used in major 3D printing processes, their composition, key properties, applications, and leading global suppliers.

Vue d'ensemble Fournisseurs de poudre pour imprimantes 3d

3D printing, also known as additive manufacturing, utilizes powdered polymers, metals, ceramics, or composites as raw material input stock. Based on the technology and materials used, powders can be engineered with specific particle size distributions, morphology, flow characteristics, melting points, and other physical and chemical attributes tailored to the printing process.

Types of 3D Printer Powders

Several key technologies rely on powder bed fusion to selectively melt and solidify material layer-by-layer to fabricate 3D objects. Popular processes and associated powders include:

Frittage sélectif par laser (SLS)Thermoplastic powders like nylon, TPU, PEEK
Frittage direct de métaux par laser (DMLS)Metal powders like aluminum, titanium, steel alloys
Fusion par faisceau d'électrons (EBM)Titanium alloys, cobalt chrome, stainless steel
Jetting de liantStainless steel, tool steel, tungsten carbide
Stéréolithographie (SLA)Ceramic suspended photopolymer resins
Fournisseurs de poudre pour imprimantes 3d

Composition of Polymer Powders for SLS

Selective laser sintering relies on fine polymer powders with controlled particle size distribution and morphology. Common materials include:

PolymerPropriétés principalesApplications
Nylon 12Toughness, flexibilityPrototypes fonctionnels, pièces d'utilisation finale
Nylon 11High strength, heat resistance, bio-compatibilityAérospatiale, automobile, médecine
TPUElasticity, abrasion resistanceFlexible parts, sporting goods
PEEKExtreme temperature/chemical resistanceAerospace, oil/gas, medical

Nylon 12 is the most widely used polymer powder for laser sintering. The composition includes base nylon polymer, flow agents, and other additives:

Nylon 12 Powder Composition

Base polymerProvides mechanical properties, melting behavior
Flow agentsImprove powder flow and reduce agglomeration
Anti-aging additivesEnhance thermal stability and prevent material degradation over time

Types of Metal Powders for AM Processes

Common metal powders used in powder bed fusion and binder jetting include:

MatériauAlloys/GradesPropriétésApplications clés
AluminiumAlSi10Mg, AlSi7MgLéger, résistant à la corrosionAérospatiale, automobile
TitaneTi-6Al-4V, Ti 6242Rapport résistance/poids élevéAérospatiale, implants médicaux
Aciers inoxydables316L, 17-4PH, 420Corrosion/heat resistancePompes, vannes, outillage
Aciers à outilsH13, P20, D2Dureté, résistance à l'usureMoules d'injection, matrices
Chrome cobaltCo28Cr6MoBiocompatibility, fatigue/corrosion resistanceDental, medical
InconelIN625, IN718Résistance à haute températureAubes de turbines, tuyères de fusées

Titanium alloys like Ti-6Al-4V are extensively used to fabricate strong, lightweight structural components across aerospace, automotive, and medical sectors via DMLS and EBM.

Metal Powder Composition and Production

Most commercial metal powders are produced via gas or water atomization process. The composition includes a base alloying element like titanium or aluminum and other alloying ingredients:

Ti-6Al-4V Powder Composition

ÉlémentPoids %Objectif
Titane (Ti)ÉquilibrePrincipal element
Aluminium (Al)5.5-6.75%Renforcement
Vanadium (V)3.5-4.5%Raffinement des grains
Fer (Fe)< 0.3%Impureté

Other common production methods for metal AM powders include plasma atomization, electrolysis, and chemical reduction. These influence powder characteristics like particle shape, size distribution, flowability, apparent density, and microstructure.

Poudres céramiques et composites

Ceramics and composites can also be processed via powder bed technologies to create high-performance components:

AlumineHigh hardness, temperature/corrosion resistanceOutils de coupe, pièces d'usure
Carbure de siliciumExtreme hardness, thermal shock resistanceMetal cutting, abrasives
PEEK polymerThermo-mechanical performanceComposites aérospatiaux
Continuous fiber compositesRapport résistance/poids élevéComposants structurels

Photo-curable ceramic resin powders containing silicone dioxide nanoparticles suspended in photopolymer are commonly used in high-precision stereolithography printers.

Powder Characteristics and Specifications

3D printer powders must meet strict specifications in terms of particle size distribution, morphology, flow rate, density, and microstructure. Typical values are shown below:

Polymer Powder Specifications

ParamètresValeur typique
Taille des particules15-150 μm
Forme des particulesSphérique
Densité apparente0.35-0.55 g/cm<sup>3</sup>
Point de fusion172-185°C (nylon 12)

Spécifications des poudres métalliques

ParamètresValeur typique
Taille des particules15-45 μm
Densité apparente2.5-4.5 g/cm<sup>3</sup>
Débit25-35 s/50g
Teneur en oxyde< 0.4 wt.%
MicrostructureFully dense spherical

Manufacturers provide powder material data sheets specifying physical properties, chemical composition test reports, particle size distribution analysis, flow rate measurements, and scanning electron microscopy images.

Applications of 3D Printing Powders

Polymer and metal powders enable production of end-use components across diverse industries. Some examples include:

Pièces en polymère

  • Prototypes fonctionnels
  • Automotive ducting, housings
  • Consumer products, sporting goods
  • Aerospace interior components

Metal Parts

  • Aircraft engine/structural parts
  • Aubes de turbines, roues à aubes
  • Biomedical implants, devices
  • Injection molds, cutting tools

3D printing powders facilitate complex geometries with enhanced mechanical properties unattainable via traditional casting or machining processes.

Fournisseurs de poudre

Leading global suppliers of powders tailored for major 3D printing technologies include:

Poudres de polymères

BASFUltrasint PA6, PA11, PA12, TPU
HenkelLoctite PA12, PP, TPE
EOSPA2200, PA3200GF
EvonikVestosint polymers

Poudres métalliques

AP&CAlliages de titane, de nickel et de cobalt
Sandvik OspreyAciers inoxydables, aciers à outils, superalliages
PraxairTitanium, aluminum, cobalt chrome
GE AdditiveStainless steels, CoCr, Inconel

These companies offer a wide range material grades tailored for SLS, DMLS, EBM, binder jetting with specialized particle size distributions, shapes, purity levels, and alloy chemistries.

Powder Cost Analysis

Material cost is a significant factor in adopting metal AM. Powder pricing depends on composition, production method, quality, and order volume:

PoudreFourchette de prix
Nylon 12$60-100/kg
Aluminium AlSi10Mg$50-150/kg
Titane Ti-6Al-4V$200-500/kg
Nickel IN625$100-250/kg
Chrome cobalt$150-600/kg

Polymer powders can be 40-90% cheaper compared to exotic aerospace alloys. Recycling used powder via sieving and blending with fresh stocks helps lower material costs.

Pros and Cons of Powder-Based AM

Complex geometries unattainable by other processesGenerally slower build speeds than traditional methods
Consolidated assemblies, reduced part countPowder removal/cleanup post-processing
Customized alloys, composite blendsPropriétés des matériaux anisotropes
Reduced machining compared to subtractive methodsPorosity issues in some laser/e-beam processes
Fournisseurs de poudre pour imprimantes 3d


In summary, powder bed fusion and binder jetting rely on specially engineered plastic, metal, ceramic, or composite powders with tailored size, shape, composition, and microstructure. Leading polymer options include nylon 12, PEEK, and TPU while common metals encompass aluminum, titanium, and nickel-based alloys. Global suppliers offer wide material selection validated for major AM systems. Choosing application-specific powders matching mechanical requirements and properties is critical for part performance.


What are the main types of 3D printing powders?

The four major categories are plastics like nylon 12 and PEEK, metals including aluminum, titanium, and tool steel alloys, ceramics such as alumina or silicon carbide, and polymer/fiber composites.

What powder size is ideal for AM processes?

A typical range is 15-100 microns for metals and 15-150 microns for polymers. Size distribution influences density, flowability, surface roughness, accuracy, and speed.

What production methods are used to manufacture metal powders?

Common techniques include inert gas atomization using argon or nitrogen and water atomization. Some niche alloys rely on plasma atomization, electrolysis or chemical processes.

How do you evaluate fitness of powders for AM?

Key parameters are particle size distribution, flow rate, apparent density, morphology and microstructure. Material certification reports confirm chemical composition, gas/oxide content, and trace impurities.

What post-processing is needed on 3D printed powder parts?

Depending on the material and process, common steps involve support removal, media blasting, annealing, HIP and machining to achieve dimensional accuracy and desired finishes.

What are typical bulk pricing tiers for metal AM powders?

1-5 kg samples cost $100-300/kg. Typical volume orders of 10-100 kg range from $60-250/kg. High-volume >500 kg orders can reach $30-150/kg for common aerospace/tooling alloys.

How does recycled powder impact part quality and mechanical performance?

Repeated recycling beyond 2-3 builds can result in changed size distribution, contamination, buildup of satellites, powder degradation issues causing lower density and poorer mechanicals. Fresh powder blending helps overcome this.

What improvements are expected in future metal powders?

Key focus areas are custom alloys, better powder spreadability and packing density for faster builds, lower porosity and higher density leading to enhanced material properties and surface finishes.

en savoir plus sur les procédés d'impression 3D

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