Machines VIGA

Table des matières

Lorsque nous parlons de VIGA machines, we’re diving into a world of advanced metal powder production technology that has revolutionized various industries. In this article, we’ll explore everything you need to know about VIGA machines, from an overview to detailed specifications, applications, and even a FAQ section. So, let’s get started!

Overview of VIGA Machines

VIGA (Vacuum Inert Gas Atomization) machines are cutting-edge equipment used for producing high-quality metal powders. These powders are critical for applications in aerospace, automotive, biomedical, and additive manufacturing industries. VIGA technology stands out due to its ability to produce powders with excellent flowability, spherical shape, and controlled particle size distribution.

Key Features of VIGA Machines

  • High Purity Metal Powders: VIGA machines operate in a vacuum or inert gas environment, minimizing contamination.
  • Particules sphériques : Ensures excellent flowability and packing density.
  • Controlled Particle Size: Adjustable atomization parameters for tailored powder characteristics.
  • Large gamme de matériaux : Suitable for various metals and alloys including titanium, stainless steel, and superalloys.
VIGA machines

Types and Models of Metal Powders Produced by Machines VIGA

Here are specific metal powder models produced by VIGA machines, along with their descriptions:

Modèle de poudre métalliqueCompositionPropriétésApplications
Ti-6Al-4VAlliage de titaneHaute résistance, résistant à la corrosion, biocompatibleAérospatiale, implants médicaux
Acier inoxydable 316LFe-Cr-Ni-Mo AlloyExcellente résistance à la corrosion, bonnes propriétés mécaniquesBiomedical devices, marine applications
IN718Superalliage à base de nickelHigh temperature strength, oxidation-resistantAubes de turbine, composants aérospatiaux
AlSi10MgAlliage d'aluminiumLéger, bonnes propriétés thermiquesAutomobile, aérospatiale
CoCrMoAlliage de cobalt-chrome-molybdèneHaute résistance à l'usure, biocompatibleImplants médicaux, prothèses dentaires
CuCrZrCopper-Chromium-Zirconium AlloyHigh electrical conductivity, good mechanical strengthComposants électriques, électrodes de soudage
Acier maraging (18Ni300)Fe-Ni-Co-Mo-Ti AlloyTrès haute résistance, bonne ténacitéOutillage, engrenages à haute performance
FeNiCoIron-Nickel-Cobalt AlloyMagnetic properties, good mechanical strengthMagnetic components, aerospace
NiTi (Nitinol)Nickel-Titanium AlloyMémoire de forme, superélasticitéMedical devices, actuators
Hastelloy XNickel-Chromium-Molybdenum AlloyHigh temperature strength, corrosion-resistantGas turbine components, chemical processing

Applications of VIGA Machines

VIGA machines are utilized across a range of industries due to their ability to produce high-quality metal powders. Here’s a detailed look at their applications:

AérospatialeTurbine blades, structural components, fasteners
AutomobileComposants légers, pièces de moteur
BiomédicalImplants, prothèses, instruments chirurgicaux
Fabrication additive3D printing powders, prototyping, complex geometries
L'énergieComposants de turbines, pièces de réacteurs nucléaires
ÉlectroniqueConductive pastes, magnetic components

Advantages of VIGA Machines

  • High Purity and Cleanliness: Operating in a vacuum or inert gas environment reduces contamination, leading to high-purity metal powders.
  • Distribution contrôlée de la taille des particules : Allows customization for specific applications, enhancing performance.
  • Particules sphériques : Improves flowability and packing density, crucial for additive manufacturing.
  • Versatile Material Range: Can process a variety of metals and alloys, making them suitable for diverse industries.

Inconvénients de la Machines VIGA

  • High Initial Cost: VIGA machines are expensive to acquire and set up.
  • Complex Operation: Requires skilled operators and regular maintenance.
  • Intensif en énergie : The process demands significant energy, increasing operational costs.

Detailed Specifications of VIGA Machines

Capacité matérielleTitanium, stainless steel, nickel alloys, aluminum alloys, cobalt-chromium alloys, etc.
Gaz d'atomisationArgon, nitrogen, helium
Pression de fonctionnementUp to 150 bar
Gamme de taille des particules10 – 200 microns
Taux de productionUp to 500 kg/hour
Niveau de videUp to 10^-5 mbar
Consommation électrique100 – 500 kW
Système de refroidissementWater-cooled

Suppliers and Pricing Details of VIGA Machines

FournisseurModèleFourchette de prixCoordonnées
SMS groupAtomizer V100$1,000,000 – $2,500,000SMS group
ALD Vacuum TechnologiesAtomizer A200$900,000 – $2,000,000ALD Vacuum Technologies
Praxair Surface TechnologiesAtomizer P300$1,200,000 – $2,800,000Praxair
ECM TechnologiesAtomizer E400$1,100,000 – $2,300,000ECM Technologies
TeknaAtomizer T500$950,000 – $2,200,000Tekna

Comparaison des avantages et des inconvénients de Machines VIGA

Poudres métalliques de haute puretéHigh initial cost
Particules sphériquesComplex operation
Taille des particules contrôléeEnergy intensive
Versatile material rangeNécessite des opérateurs qualifiés
Excellente fluiditéRegular maintenance needed
VIGA machines


What are VIGA machines used for?Producing high-quality metal powders for various industries including aerospace, automotive, and biomedical.
How do VIGA machines work?They use vacuum or inert gas to atomize molten metal into fine powders with spherical particles.
What metals can VIGA machines process?Titanium, stainless steel, nickel alloys, aluminum alloys, and more.
What is the particle size range of powders produced?Typically between 10 to 200 microns.
Are VIGA machines expensive?Yes, they have a high initial cost, ranging from $900,000 to over $2,500,000.
What are the benefits of using VIGA machines?High purity, controlled particle size, excellent flowability, and versatility in material processing.
What industries benefit from VIGA powders?Aerospace, automotive, biomedical, additive manufacturing, energy, and electronics.
Can VIGA machines produce powders for 3D printing?Yes, they are ideal for producing high-quality powders for additive manufacturing.
Do VIGA machines require special maintenance?Yes, they require regular maintenance and skilled operators to ensure optimal performance.
What are the common atomization gases used?Argon, nitrogen, and helium are commonly used for atomization.


VIGA machines represent a pinnacle in metal powder production technology, providing high-quality powders essential for modern industries. Their ability to produce spherical, high-purity, and precisely controlled powders makes them invaluable for applications ranging from aerospace to biomedical devices. Despite their high initial cost and complexity, the benefits they offer in terms of material properties and performance are unmatched. If you’re looking to delve into high-quality metal powder production, understanding and utilizing VIGA machines can be a game-changer.

en savoir plus sur les procédés d'impression 3D

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