Xmetto Projects: Where Innovation Takes Shape
Niestandardowe koła
Przekształć projekty felg w wysokowydajne arcydzieła, które na nowo definiują estetykę i osiągi samochodów.

Biżuteria na zamówienie
Połączenie precyzji i artystycznej wizji w celu stworzenia jedynych w swoim rodzaju elementów, które ucieleśniają kunszt i personalizację.

Części lotnicze
Bądź świadkiem innowacji w produkcji złożonych, precyzyjnych części, które spełniają rygorystyczne wymagania przemysłu lotniczego.

Części samochodowe
Learn how Xmetto’s cutting-edge technology is redefining automotive engineering. Demonstrate precision and innovation.

Niestandardowe koła: Elevating Automotive Design
Xmetto’s custom wheels project isn’t just about crafting stunning wheels; it’s about the exceptional materials that make them possible. We employ advanced metal powders with precise particle sizes and superior quality to create wheels that are both lightweight and incredibly strong. These powders are meticulously chosen to ensure they meet the demanding standards of the automotive industry. With our materials, your custom wheels are not just a statement of style; they’re a testament to the excellence of metal powders in modern engineering.
Biżuteria na zamówienie: Tworzenie elegancji wykraczającej poza wyobraźnię
In the world of custom jewelry, precision and material quality are paramount. Xmetto’s custom jewelry project shines with the use of high-grade metal powders, carefully selected for their purity and suitability for jewelry creation. Whether it’s the brilliance of gold, the luster of silver, or the enduring beauty of platinum, our materials are chosen to ensure your custom jewelry pieces stand the test of time, maintaining their elegance and value for years to come.
Części lotnicze i kosmiczne: Inżynieria przyszłości lotów
Xmetto’s aerospace parts project takes flight with the aid of cutting-edge metal powders. We understand that in aerospace, material quality can be a matter of life and death. Our parts are crafted from superalloy powders that are renowned for their exceptional strength and resistance to extreme conditions. These powders meet the stringent standards of the aerospace industry, ensuring the reliability and performance of our parts in the most demanding environments.
Części samochodowe: Rewolucja w mobilności
The heart of our automotive parts project lies in the superior metal powders we use to shape the future of mobility. These powders, chosen for their outstanding characteristics, contribute to the creation of automotive parts that are not only lightweight but also exceptionally strong. We prioritize material quality to optimize performance, improve fuel efficiency, and enhance the overall driving experience. Xmetto’s commitment to utilizing premium metal powders reaffirms our dedication to transforming the automotive industry.