Струйная обработка металлических связующих


Overview of Metal Binder Jetting

Струйная обработка металлических связующих (MBJ) is an advanced additive manufacturing technique that offers significant advantages over traditional metalworking processes. By using a binder to adhere metal powder particles, this method builds complex and precise metal parts layer by layer. The process is known for its high-speed production, cost efficiency, and ability to create intricate geometries that are difficult or impossible to achieve with conventional manufacturing methods.

Ключевые особенности:

  • Точность: Achieves high levels of detail and complexity.
  • Эффективность: Faster production times compared to traditional methods.
  • Универсальность: Suitable for a wide range of metals and alloys.
  • Экономичность: Reduces material waste and overall production costs.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the specifics of Metal Binder Jetting, including types of metal powders used, their compositions, applications, and detailed comparisons. We’ll also explore the advantages and disadvantages of the process, providing insights to help you decide if Metal Binder Jetting is right for your manufacturing needs.

Струйная обработка металлического вяжущего

Виды металлических порошков, используемых в Струйная обработка металлических связующих

The choice of metal powder is critical in determining the properties and performance of the final product. Here are some commonly used metal powders in Binder Jetting:

1. Stainless Steel (316L)

Состав: Железо, хром, никель, молибден
Свойства: Высокая коррозионная стойкость, отличные механические свойства
Приложения: Medical implants, aerospace components, marine environments

2. Stainless Steel (17-4 PH)

Состав: Iron, Chromium, Nickel, Copper, Niobium
Свойства: High strength, good corrosion resistance, heat treatable
Приложения: Aerospace, chemical processing, medical instruments

3. Инконель 625

Состав: Никель, хром, молибден, ниобий
Свойства: High strength, excellent fatigue resistance, corrosion-resistant
Приложения: Аэрокосмическая, морская, химическая промышленность

4. Инконель 718

Состав: Nickel, Chromium, Iron, Niobium, Molybdenum, Titanium
Свойства: High yield strength, good creep resistance, corrosion-resistant
Приложения: Aerospace engines, gas turbines, cryogenic tanks

5. Aluminum (AlSi10Mg)

Состав: Алюминий, кремний, магний
Свойства: Lightweight, good thermal properties, corrosion-resistant
Приложения: Automotive, aerospace, consumer goods

6. Titanium (Ti-6Al-4V)

Состав: Титан, Алюминий, Ванадий
Свойства: Высокое соотношение прочности и веса, отличная коррозионная стойкость
Приложения: Aerospace, medical implants, automotive racing

7. Copper (C18150)

Состав: Медь, хром, цирконий
Свойства: High electrical and thermal conductivity, good mechanical properties
Приложения: Electrical components, heat exchangers, welding electrodes

8. Tool Steel (H13)

Состав: Iron, Carbon, Chromium, Molybdenum, Vanadium
Свойства: High toughness, heat-resistant, wear-resistant
Приложения: Пресс-формы, штампы, режущие инструменты

9. Cobalt-Chrome (CoCrMo)

Состав: Кобальт, хром, молибден
Свойства: High wear resistance, biocompatible, corrosion-resistant
Приложения: Медицинские имплантаты, зубные протезы, аэрокосмические компоненты

10. Tungsten (W)

Состав: Вольфрам
Свойства: Very high density, excellent hardness, high melting point
Приложения: Aerospace, military, radiation shielding

Applications of Metal Binder Jetting

Metal Binder Jetting is employed across various industries due to its flexibility and efficiency. Here are some notable applications:

ПромышленностьПриложениеMetal Powders Commonly Used
Аэрокосмическая промышленностьEngine parts, turbine blades, structural componentsInconel 625, Inconel 718, Titanium (Ti-6Al-4V)
Автомобильная промышленностьLightweight parts, custom components, prototypingAluminum (AlSi10Mg), Stainless Steel (316L)
МедицинаImplants, surgical tools, dental prostheticsStainless Steel (316L), Cobalt-Chrome (CoCrMo)
ЭлектроникаHeat sinks, connectors, circuit board componentsCopper (C18150), Aluminum (AlSi10Mg)
Инструментальная оснасткаПресс-формы, штампы, режущие инструментыTool Steel (H13), Tungsten (W)
МорскойCorrosion-resistant components, propellers, pumpsStainless Steel (316L), Inconel 625
Потребительские товарыJewelry, custom-designed products, decorative itemsStainless Steel (316L), Titanium (Ti-6Al-4V)

Спецификации и стандарты

To ensure quality and performance, metal powders used in Binder Jetting must meet specific standards and specifications. Here’s a detailed look:

Металлический порошокРазмер частицЧистотаСтандарты
Нержавеющая сталь (316L)15-45 мкм≥ 99%ASTM A240, ISO 5832-1
Нержавеющая сталь (17-4 PH)15-45 мкм≥ 99%ASTM A564, AMS 5604
Инконель 62515-45 мкм≥ 99%ASTM B443, AMS 5666
Инконель 71815-45 мкм≥ 99%ASTM B637, AMS 5662
Алюминий (AlSi10Mg)20-63 мкм≥ 99%ASTM F3318
Титан (Ti-6Al-4V)20-45 мкм≥ 99%ASTM F2924, AMS 4911
Copper (C18150)15-45 мкм≥ 99%ASTM B152, AMS 4500
Инструментальная сталь (H13)15-45 мкм≥ 99%ASTM A681, AMS 6431
Кобальт-хром (CoCrMo)15-45 мкм≥ 99%ASTM F75, ISO 5832-4
Вольфрам (Вт)10-45 мкм≥ 99%ASTM B777, AMS 7890

Advantages of Metal Binder Jetting

Metal Binder Jetting brings several advantages to the table, making it a preferred choice in various industries.

High Production Speed

Compared to traditional manufacturing methods and even other 3D printing techniques, MBJ is significantly faster. The ability to produce parts quickly is a game-changer, especially in industries where time is a critical factor.

Эффективность затрат

One of the most compelling benefits of MBJ is its cost efficiency. By minimizing material waste and reducing the need for expensive tooling and molds, MBJ can lower overall production costs. This makes it an attractive option for both prototyping and full-scale production.

Сложные геометрии

MBJ can create intricate and complex geometries that would be difficult or impossible to achieve with conventional methods. This capability opens up new possibilities for design and innovation.

Универсальность материалов

MBJ is compatible with a wide range of metal powders, from stainless steel to titanium, offering flexibility in material choice based on the specific requirements of the application.


Whether you need a single prototype or mass production of thousands of parts, MBJ can scale to meet the demand. This scalability is essential for industries that require rapid iteration and development.

Disadvantages of Metal Binder Jetting

Despite its many advantages, Metal Binder Jetting also has some limitations that need to be considered.

Требования к постобработке

Parts produced with MBJ often require significant post-processing, such as sintering, infiltration, and finishing, to achieve the desired properties and surface finish. This adds time and cost to the production process.

Ограниченные свойства материала

While MBJ is compatible with a variety of metals, the properties of the final parts may not always match those produced by traditional methods. For instance, the density and mechanical strength of MBJ parts might be lower.

Отделка поверхности

The surface finish of MBJ parts can be rough, requiring additional machining or polishing to meet the required specifications. This can be a drawback in applications where surface quality is critical.

Binder Residue

Residual binder material can sometimes remain in the parts, affecting their performance and quality. This issue needs careful management during the production process.

Высокие первоначальные инвестиции

The initial cost of setting up a Metal Binder Jetting system can be high, making it less accessible for smaller companies or startups. However, the long-term savings in production costs can offset this investment.

Comparing Metal Binder Jetting with Other Manufacturing Methods

How does Metal Binder Jetting stack up against other manufacturing techniques? Let’s compare.

Характеристика Струйная обработка металлических связующихСелективное лазерное спекание (SLS)Прямое лазерное спекание металлов (DMLS)Обработка с ЧПУ
Скорость производстваВысокая Средний Средний Низкий
Эффективность затратВысокая Средний Низкий Средний
Сложные геометрииВысокая Высокая Высокая Низкий
Универсальность материаловВысокая Средний Высокая Высокая
Отделка поверхностиСредний Высокая Высокая Высокая
ПостобработкаТребуется Минимальный Минимальный Минимальный
Первоначальные инвестицииВысокаяСредний Высокая Высокая

Top Suppliers and Pricing Details

Finding the right supplier is crucial for obtaining quality metal powders for Binder Jetting. Here’s a list of top suppliers and their pricing details:

ПоставщикМеталлический порошокЦена за кгМинимальное количество заказаРасположение
Höganäs ABНержавеющая сталь (316L)$5010 кгШвеция
GKN AdditiveИнконель 625$2005 кгСША
SandvikТитан (Ti-6Al-4V)$3002 kgШвеция
Технология столярных работИнструментальная сталь (H13)$1005 кгСША
Технология LPWАлюминий (AlSi10Mg)$7010 кгВЕЛИКОБРИТАНИЯ
КеннаметалВольфрам (Вт)$5001 кгСША
ErasteelКобальт-хром (CoCrMo)$2503 kgФранция
AP&C (Arcam)Титан (Ti-6Al-4V)$2803 kgКанада
Arcam EBMИнконель 718$2205 кгШвеция
TeknaНержавеющая сталь (17-4 PH)$6010 кгКанада

Вопросы и ответы

Что такое струйная обработка металлических связующих?

Metal Binder Jetting is an additive manufacturing process that uses a binding agent to adhere metal powder particles, creating parts layer by layer.

What metals can be used in Metal Binder Jetting?

A wide range of metals can be used, including stainless steel, titanium, aluminum, Inconel, copper, tool steel, and more.

What are the advantages of Metal Binder Jetting?

Advantages include high production speed, cost efficiency, ability to create complex geometries, material versatility, and scalability.

What are the disadvantages of Metal Binder Jetting?

Disadvantages include the need for post-processing, potential limitations in material properties, rough surface finish, binder residue, and high initial investment.

How does Metal Binder Jetting compare to other methods?

Compared to other methods like SLS, DMLS, and CNC machining, MBJ offers faster production speeds, higher cost efficiency, and greater flexibility in creating complex geometries.

What industries benefit from Metal Binder Jetting?

Industries such as aerospace, automotive, medical, electronics, tooling, marine, and consumer goods benefit from MBJ due to its versatility and efficiency.

What is the cost of metal powders for Binder Jetting?

The cost varies by metal type and supplier but generally ranges from $50 to $500 per kilogram.

Are there any environmental benefits to Metal Binder Jetting?

Yes, MBJ reduces material waste and can be more energy-efficient than traditional manufacturing methods, contributing to more sustainable production practices.


Metal Binder Jetting is revolutionizing the manufacturing landscape with its ability to produce high-quality, complex metal parts efficiently and cost-effectively. Whether you’re in aerospace, automotive, medical, or another industry, understanding the specifics of this technology can help you make informed decisions and leverage its benefits to stay competitive in the market.

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Xmetto Technology Co., LTD - ведущий поставщик решений для аддитивного производства со штаб-квартирой в Циндао, Китай. Наша компания специализируется на производстве оборудования для 3D-печати и высокопроизводительных металлических порошков для промышленного применения.

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