Plasma Rotating Electrode Process Powder: A Comprehensive Guide



Plasma rotating electrode process (PREP) powder is a type of spherical powder made using the PREP method. PREP powders have unique properties that make them suitable for use in various applications like thermal spray coatings, metal additive manufacturing, and metal injection molding.

Some key features of PREP powder include:

  • Highly spherical morphology with smooth surface
  • Controlled microstructure with fine grain size
  • Low porosity and high density
  • Excellent flowability and spreadability
  • Hög packningstäthet
  • Good blending characteristics
  • Capability to manufacture alloys and composites

PREP enables customization of powder characteristics like particle size distribution, composition, density, oxide content, and more. By controlling the PREP process parameters, powders can be engineered for specific application requirements.

Types of PREP Powders

Powder MaterialSammansättningKey Properties and Applications
Nickel alloyNiCr, NiCrAlY, NiCoCrAlYOxidation and corrosion resistance. Thermal spray coatings.
Cobalt alloyCoCr, CoCrAlY, CoNiCrAlYHigh temperature strength. Thermal spray coatings.
Rostfritt stål316L, 304LCorrosion resistance. Metal AM, MIM.
VerktygsstålH13, P20High hardness. Metal AM, MIM.
TitanlegeringTi6Al4V, TiAlHigh strength-to-weight ratio. Biomedical implants, aerospace.
KopparlegeringCuCrZrHigh thermal conductivity. Electronic applications.
AluminiumlegeringAlSi12Lightweight. Automotive components.
Tungsten alloyWNiFe, WCoHigh density. Radiation shielding.

Composition and Microstructure

PREP enables close control over powder composition and microstructural features:

  • Alloying elements can be modified to achieve desired properties
  • Microsegregation is minimized compared to gas atomization
  • Fine grained microstructure with uniform distribution of phases
  • Porosity and oxide content can be reduced to very low levels
  • Spherical morphology is maintained after alloying

Key Properties of PREP Powder

Fördelning av partikelstorlekPREP can achieve narrow distribution with controlled d50.Ensures uniform melting and consistent properties.
MorfologiHighly spherical shape, smooth surface.Excellent flow and packing density.
Skenbar densitetCan be optimized based on requirements.Higher density improves powder spreading.
FlytbarhetMeasured by Hall flowmeter method.Ensures uniform powder feeding and spreading.
PackningstäthetHigh packing density up to 60%.Maximizes volume fraction of metal powder in component.
OxidinnehållOxide levels below 0.2% achieved.Reduces oxide inclusions in final part.
MikrostrukturFine grained and homogeneous.Uniform property distribution in final part.
Surface chemistryChemistry precisely controlled.Oxide formation, wettability, and spreading optimized.

Applications of PREP Powder

PREP powder is used across various industries due to its specialized properties:

Beläggningar för termisk sprutning

  • Excellent flowability results in uniform feed rate and coating quality
  • Controlled particle size distribution optimizes melting and minimizes unmelted powder
  • Smooth surface morphology improves coating density and adhesion strength
  • Low oxide content prevents oxide inclusions in coating
  • Spherical shape gives higher deposition efficiency

Metall Additiv tillverkning

  • High packing density allows more material per layer, reducing voids
  • Smooth surface morphology results in uniform melting and melt pool flow
  • Controlled particle size distribution prevents segregation issues
  • Low surface oxide enables good inter-particle bonding
  • Sphericity and flowability minimize powder feed problems

Formsprutning av metall

  • High packing density maximizes sintered density
  • Uniform particle size distribution prevents segregation
  • Good flowability and compatibility results in homogenous mixing
  • Low oxide content prevents sintering defects
  • Controlled composition yields desired properties after sintering


Typical specifications for PREP powder:

Partikelstorlek10 - 150 mikrometer
Fördelning av partikelstorlekD10, D50, D90 can be controlled
MorfologiHighly spherical ≥ 0.9
Skenbar densitetUpp till 60% av teoretisk densitet
Hall flowability< 30 s/50 g
Oxidinnehåll< 0.2 wt%
MikrostrukturFine grained < 10 microns
Surface chemistryO, C, N levels precisely controlled

Leverantörer och prissättning

Some leading global suppliers of PREP powders are:

CNPC Powder GroupKina

Pricing for PREP powder varies based on:

  • Base metal (Ni, Co, steel)
  • Legeringens sammansättning
  • Fördelning av partikelstorlek
  • Orderkvantitet
  • Level of customization

Indicative pricing ranges from $50/kg to $120/kg for common alloys. Custom alloys and particle size distribution can increase cost.

Comparison to Gas Atomized Powder

ParameterPREP PowderGasatomiserat pulver
Partikelns formMycket sfäriskIrregular, satellites present
OxidinnehållVery low <0.2%Typically 0.5-2%
PorositetNear fully denseCan have 10-20% porosity
Alloy homogenityUtmärktSegregation prone
FlytbarhetMycket braLower due to satellites
PackningstäthetUp to 60%Typically 30-40%
Surface chemistryPrecisely controlledVariable based on process
KostnadHögreLower capital cost

Advantages of PREP Powder

  • Excellent spherical morphology for flowability
  • Kontrollerad partikelstorleksfördelning
  • Low porosity and oxide content
  • Alloy homogeneity and fine microstructure
  • Customizable composition and properties
  • High packing density for AM and MIM

Limitations of PREP Powder

  • Higher cost compared to gas atomized powder
  • Limited to smaller particle sizes, usually below 150 microns
  • Requires advanced process control and optimization
  • Limited production rate compared to gas atomization
  • Restricted to select base metals like Ni, Co, and steels

Vanliga frågor och svar

Q: What is plasma rotating electrode process (PREP) powder?

A: PREP powder is a highly spherical metallic powder produced using the PREP method which involves rotating an electrode in a plasma arc under precise control to achieve desired powder characteristics.

Q: What materials can be made into PREP powder?

A: Common materials include nickel, cobalt, stainless steel, tool steel, titanium, aluminum, and copper alloys. Other alloys and composites are also possible through PREP.

Q: What are the key advantages of PREP powder?

A: Key advantages are excellent sphericity and flowability, controlled particle distribution, low porosity and oxides, fine and uniform microstructure, customizable composition, and high packing density.

Q: What is PREP powder used for?

A: Major applications are thermal spray coatings, metal additive manufacturing, and metal injection molding due to its specialized properties.

Q: How is PREP powder different from gas atomized powder?

A: PREP powder has superior sphericity, lower oxides, less porosity, more homogenous composition and microstructure compared to gas atomized powder.

Q: Is PREP powder more expensive than gas atomized powder?

A: Yes, PREP powder typically costs more due to higher process complexity and control involved. But it offers significant performance advantages over gas atomized powder.

Q: What particle size is available for PREP powder?

A: The usual range is 10 to 150 microns. Both smaller and larger sizes are possible but less common. Particle size distribution can also be controlled as per requirements.

Q: Does PREP powder have limited alloy options?

A: PREP is most established for nickel, cobalt and stainless steel alloys. But ongoing process development is expanding the alloy systems possible, including reactive materials like titanium and aluminum.

Q: Can PREP powder be customized for specific applications?

A: Yes, customization is a key benefit of PREP. Particle characteristics and alloy composition can be tailored to meet requirements for thermal spray, AM, MIM, etc.

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Xmetto Technology Co, LTD är en ledande leverantör av lösningar för additiv tillverkning med huvudkontor i Qingdao, Kina. Vårt företag är specialiserat på 3D-utskriftsutrustning och högpresterande metallpulver för industriella tillämpningar.

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