Koboltkrom F75 Pulver

Koboltkrom F75-pulver avser specifikt ett kobolt-kromlegeringspulver som uppfyller ASTM F75-standarderna för sammansättning och partikelstorleksfördelning. Det är ett mångsidigt koboltbaserat legeringspulver som används i olika 3D-utskriftsprocesser för metall för att skapa ortopediska implantat och tandfyllningar för slutanvändare.

Några viktiga detaljer om koboltkrom F75 pulver inkluderar:


  • Huvudsakligen kobolt och krom, tillsammans med molybden och mindre mängder av andra legeringsämnen


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Cobalt chrome alloys, also known as cobalt-chromium alloys, are a specialized class of biocompatible materials widely used in orthopedic implants like hip and knee replacements. They offer an optimal balance of mechanical properties like high strength and durability along with biocompatibility and corrosion resistance when implanted in the human body.

Overview of Cobalt Chrome F75 Powder

Koboltkrom F75-pulver avser specifikt ett kobolt-kromlegeringspulver som uppfyller ASTM F75-standarderna för sammansättning och partikelstorleksfördelning. Det är ett mångsidigt koboltbaserat legeringspulver som används i olika 3D-utskriftsprocesser för metall för att skapa ortopediska implantat och tandfyllningar för slutanvändare.

Några viktiga detaljer om koboltkrom F75 pulver inkluderar:


  • Huvudsakligen kobolt och krom, tillsammans med molybden och mindre mängder av andra legeringsämnen
  • Meets chemical composition limits per ASTM F75 standard
  • Powder particle size distribution typically 20-63 microns


  • Biocompatible and corrosion-resistant for use in body
  • High strength and hardness for load-bearing implants
  • Ductile allowing some deformation under stress before fracture
  • Durable with excellent wear resistance
  • Dence, non-porous structures in final printed parts


  • Gas atomized powder production method preferred
  • Results in smooth near-spherical powder particles beneficial for flow and printing


  • 3D printing orthopedic implants like hip and knee joints
  • 3D printing dental restorations like crowns, bridges, partial denture frameworks


  • ASTM F75 – Standard Specification for Cobalt-28 Chromium-6 Molybdenum Alloy Castings and Casting Alloy for Surgical Implants
  • ISO 5832-4 – Implants for surgery — Metallic materials — Part 4: Cobalt-chromium-molybdenum casting alloy

So in summary, cobalt chrome F75 is a versatile biocompatible alloy powder designed specifically to meet surgical implant material standards and optimized for additive manufacturing of end-use orthopedic and dental devices.

Composition of Cobalt Chrome F75 Powder

The F75 designation for cobalt chrome powders refers to the compositional requirements and limits for the alloy as per the ASTM F75 standard. The nominal composition is outlined below:

Element Sammansättning Range
Kobolt (Co) Balans
Krom (Cr) 27.0 – 30.0 wt%
Molybden (Mo) 5.0 – 7.0 wt%
Nickel (Ni) < 1.0 wt%
Järn (Fe) < 0.75 wt%
Kol (C) < 0.16 wt%
Mangan (Mn) < 1.0 wt%
Kisel (Si) < 1.0 wt%
Kväve (N) < 0.25 wt%
Syre (O) < 0.4 wt%

So it contains primarily cobalt and chromium, along with significant molybdenum content. Careful control of composition within these ranges imparts the desired properties to the alloy in its final state.

The high chromium content contributes to excellent corrosion and oxidation resistance. Cobalt serves as the primary matrix material providing strength and biocompatibility. Molybdenum significantly enhances wear resistance for load-bearing implant applications. The inclusion of certain amounts of other elements like manganese and nitrogen also serve to fine-tune the microstructure and performance.

Egenskaper och kännetecken

Cobalt chrome F75 powder enables additive manufacturing of exceptionally strong, wear-resistant, and biocompatible components due to the inherent metallurgical properties of the alloy composition:

Fastighet Typiskt värde
Draghållfasthet 130,000 psi (896 MPa)
Utbyteshållfasthet 115,000 psi (793 MPa)
Töjning 8 – 15%
Young's modul 30×106 psi (207 GPa)
Hårdhet 38 – 48 HRC
Täthet 8.3 g/cm3
Smältintervall 1260–1350°C (2300–2460°F)
Biokompatibilitet Non-cytotoxic; excellent history of use in body
Motståndskraft mot korrosion Resistant to body fluids, chloride ion solutions
Slitstyrka 4x increase vs stainless steel; minimizes abrasive implant wear debris

The high hardness rating along with good ductility makes cobalt chrome extremely scratch and wear resistant which minimizes the generation of microscopic wear particles over years of use. The non-porous structures ensure metallic integrity free of defects while still allowing some elasticity under working loads. Combined with biocompatibility and high corrosion resistance, cobalt chrome F75 powder produces implants and devices suitable for permanent placement in the body.

Tillämpningar och användningsområden

The unique blend of mechanical, physical, and biocompatible properties tailored to meet the demanding environment of the body has established cobalt chrome F75 powder as the material of choice for metal additive manufacturing across orthopedics and dentistry:

Ortopediska implantat

  • Hip replacements – Femoral stems, acetabular cups, liners
  • Knee replacements – Femoral components, tibial trays
  • Spinal fixation – Pedicle screws, rods
  • Fracture plates, screws
  • Patient-specific implants

Dental Restorations

  • Crowns and bridges
  • Implant abutments
  • Removable partial denture frameworks
  • Model casting

Cobalt chrome F75 enables direct fabrication of complex, custom-fit implants otherwise challenging or impossible to produce via conventional manufacturing methods. 3D printing eliminates the need for machining cobalt chrome, which is extremely difficult due to the hardness. It also enables tailored lattice structures to modulate flexibility and bone in-growth in orthopedic devices.

The high biocompatibility and corrosion resistance minimizes risk of allergic reaction long-term while the high strength and stiffness provide load-bearing capability almost matching natural bone. With 3D printing, cobalt chrome F75 empowers faster recovery and improved mobility for patients.


Cobalt chrome orthopedic implants and dental devices must meet stringent regulatory requirements for safety and effectiveness. As such, cobalt chrome F75 powder and printed parts must conform to specifications spanning chemical composition, microstructure, mechanical properties, dimensional accuracy, porosity limits, surface finish, cleanliness, sterilization compatibility, and more.

Key standards include:

Standard Organisation Omfattning
ASTM F75 ASTM International Chemical composition; mechanical, physical, and corrosion performance requirements
ASTM F2924 ASTM International Standard specification for additive manufacturing cobalt chrome alloy
ISO 5832-4 Internationella standardiseringsorganisationen Implant grade cobalt chrome molybdenum alloy composition and property limits

These standards establish strict upper and lower limits for trace metallic elements and impurities to minimize adverse biological response. They also mandate minimum property requirements like fracture toughness, tensile strength, hardness values, grain sizes, porosity levels, surface finish quality, corrosion rate criteria, and dimensional accuracy grades to ensure clinical safety and device effectiveness.

Both feedstock powders and final printed parts must satisfy certification testing to these specifications through stringent quality assurance protocols before regulatory filing and commercialization.

Available Grades and Designations

Within the umbrella ASTM F75 chemistry limits, cobalt chrome powders are available in various standard grades optimized to different 3D printing processes:

Betyg Printer Technology Specs
F75 Sprutning av bindemedel Granulometry per F75; Higher carbon content
F761 Deposition med riktad energi Optimized particle size distribution for laser/electron beam processes
F799 Fusion av pulverbädd Smaller particle size ideal for laser/electron beam melting technologies; Lower carbon limit

The different size distributions, shapes, porosity, and minor chemistry adjustments make each grade uniquely compatible with popular 3D printing methods used to produce orthopedic and dental devices.

In practice, most major metallic 3D printer vendors offer proprietary variations of cobalt chrome powder that conform to F75 chemistry but with precise particle optimization matched to their machine’s requirements.

Viktiga leverantörer

Being a specialized material for regulated healthcare applications, cobalt chrome F75 powder is only produced by a handful of reputable suppliers with extensive expertise in medical alloys and powders.


As a highly engineered metallic powder designed specifically for 3D printing biocompatible end-use components, cobalt chrome F75 commands relatively high prices compared to industrial metals.

Some typical pricing benchmarks from leading suppliers are:

Pulverkvalitet Prisintervall
Cobalt Chrome F75 $100 – $150 per kg
Cobalt Chrome F763 $80 – $120 per kg

Prices can vary based on:

  • Purchase quantities – bulk orders of 25+ kg offer discounts up to 30% lower per kg
  • Quality requirements – high consistency medical grades are costlier
  • Industry segments – pricing for dental labs differ from medical device manufacturers
  • Distribution networks – geographic presence and logistics impact regional prices

In general, F75 cobalt chrome powders range from $100 to $150 per kg from recognized medical material vendors. Lower pricing typically indicates non-regulated grades without stringent chemistry, cleanliness, particle optimization, and quality control as mandated by ASTM F75.

För- och nackdelar

Cobalt chrome F75 presents an exceptional combination of strength, biocompatibility, corrosion resistance, and manufacturing flexibility for orthopedic and dental components. However, there are some considerations for engineers and healthcare providers:


  • Highly biocompatible and non-allergenic
  • Extremely strong and wear resistant
  • Allows bone in-growth for stable implant fixation
  • Corrosion resistant including to sterilizing agents
  • Enables complex geometries via 3D printing
  • Reduces invasive surgical procedures
  • Faster recovery times for patients
  • Technology protected by patents


  • High material density increases implant weight
  • Limited supply chain maturity and experience
  • Relatively expensive powder material
  • Require specialized storage and handling
  • Component post-processing may alter properties
  • Long-term clinical data still evolving

Jämförelse med alternativ

As a pioneer biocompatible alloy for 3D printing load-bearing implants, cobalt chrome F75 powder performs favorably compared to alternatives like stainless steel 316L and titanium Ti-6Al-4V in properties that determine clinical success and patient well-being:

Fastighet Cobalt Chrome F75 Rostfritt stål 316L Titan Ti-6Al-4V
Draghållfasthet 130,000 psi 125,000 psi 130,000 psi
Elasticitetsmodul 30 Msi 28 Msi 16 Msi
Töjning 8-15% 12-25% 7-16%
Hårdhet 38-48 HRC 74-80 HRB 36 HRC
Täthet 8.3 g/cm3 8.0 g/cm3 4,43 g/cm3
Biokompatibilitet Utmärkt Moderate-Good Utmärkt
Motståndskraft mot korrosion Highly Resistant Susceptible Resistant
Osseointegration Allows bone in-growth Limited bone bonding Bone-bonding ability
Sterilization Compatibility All methods Corrodes with some Better than stainless
Relative Powder Cost Hög Låg Måttlig
Svårighet vid maskinbearbetning Utmanande Lätt Måttlig

With high corrosion resistance minimizing metal ion release, cobalt chrome F75 printed implants avoid long-term sensitization issues common with stainless steel. The ability for bone in-growth provides better stability and prevents stress shielding seen in stiff, lightweight titanium components over time. Despite higher material cost, it alleviates revision surgery costs making it economical long term.

Vanliga frågor

Q: Is cobalt chrome F75 powder safe for use in medical implants and dental devices?

A: Yes, cobalt chrome F75 meets all major international standards for composition, purity, microstructure, corrosion rate, wear performance, and biological response required specifically for prolonged contact with bodily fluids and bone integration. Over 40 years of clinical history with exceptional biocompatibility makes it a trusted material for orthopedic and dental specialties.

Q: Does cobalt chrome F75 powder require special storage or handling precautions?

A: Cobalt chrome powders should be stored sealed in their original containers away from moisture to prevent oxidation. Proper personal protective equipment like dust masks, gloves, and gowns should be worn when handling powders to minimize contamination during post-processing.

Q: What size implants and restorations can be 3D printed with cobalt chrome F75 powder?

A: F75 cobalt chrome components ranging from relatively small single dental crowns up to large orthopedic implants with complex porous structures have been successfully printed. Part size is limited only by individual printer technology capabilities like build volume, laser power, etc.

Q: Can cobalt chrome F75 powder be reused after 3D printing?

A: Reusing powder between builds is generally not recommended for orthopedic or dental devices meeting regulatory specifications. Traces of build residue or contamination compromises powder quality and traceability assurances. Recycling cobalt chrome powders intended specifically for medical uses also poses challenges requiring extensive reconditioning.

Q: Does cobalt chrome F75 powder produce dental crowns and implants matching natural tooth color?

A: In its raw printed state, cobalt chrome F75 has a distinct shiny silver metallic color unlike the white color of natural teeth. However, dental laboratories often coat 3D printed substructures with dental ceramic layers to achieve excellent color matching and aesthetics for visible restorations like crowns.

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