Hastelloy G30 Pulver

Hastelloy G30-pulver är ett nickelbaserat legeringspulver som är avsett för additiv tillverkning. Detta avancerade material erbjuder utmärkt korrosionsbeständighet, oxidationsbeständighet och hållfasthet vid höga temperaturer. Hastelloy G30 möjliggör produktion av komplexa, högpresterande metalldelar med hjälp av 3D-printingteknik.


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Hastelloy G30-pulver är ett nickelbaserat legeringspulver som är avsett för additiv tillverkning. Detta avancerade material erbjuder utmärkt korrosionsbeständighet, oxidationsbeständighet och hållfasthet vid höga temperaturer. Hastelloy G30 möjliggör produktion av komplexa, högpresterande metalldelar med hjälp av 3D-printingteknik.

Overview of Hastelloy G30 Powder

Hastelloy G30 powder has the following key characteristics:


  • Nickel: Balance
  • Chromium: 22.5-23.5%
  • Tungsten: 12.5-14.0%
  • Iron: 3.0% max
  • Cobalt: 6.0%
  • Molybdenum: 1.5%

Key Properties:

  • High strength and hardness at elevated temperatures up to 1050°C
  • Excellent corrosion resistance in oxidizing, reducing, and neutral aqueous environments
  • Good weldability using conventional welding methods
  • Låg värmeutvidgningskoefficient

Particle Size Range: 15-45 mikrometer

Common Industry Applications:

  • Komponenter för flyg- och rymdindustrin
  • Power generation parts
  • Utrustning för kemisk bearbetning
  • Oil and gas well components exposed to sour conditions

Key Suppliers: Carpenter Additive, Sandvik Osprey, Hoganas, LPW Technology

Detailed Metallurgical Properties

Hastelloy G30 derives its properties from careful composition optimization for 3D printing and subsequent heat treatment. Here are some key metallurgical characteristics:

Table 1: Composition limits and precipitation hardening response

Composition Element Wt% Roll
Nickel Balans Matrix phase, provides corrosion resistance
Krom 22.5-23.5% Forms Cr carbides/nitrides, enhances oxidation resistance
Volfram 12.5-14.0% Solid solution strengthener, imparts heat resistance
Järn 3.0% max Additional solid solution strengthener
Kobolt 6.0% Enhances matrix stability at higher temperatures
Molybden 1,5% max Solid solution strengthener, supports corrosion resistance

Precipitation hardening heat treatment applied after 3D printing leads to formation of Ni3(Al,Ti) gamma prime and Ni3(Nb,Ti) gamma double prime precipitates. This results in significant strengthening and improved mechanical properties at both room and elevated temperatures.

Table 2: Key Properties of Hastelloy G30 Powder

Fysisk egendom As-Printed Värmebehandlad
Densitet (g/cc) 8.45 8.45
Youngs modul (GPa) 205 205
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (10-6/°C) 11.0 11.0
Thermal Conductivity (W/m-°C) 11 11
Elektrisk resistivitet (μΩ-cm) 117 117
Mekanisk egendom As-Printed Värmebehandlad
Draghållfasthet (MPa) 950 1275
Sträckgräns (MPa) 790 1240
Förlängning (%) 35 20
Hårdhet (HRC) 24-32 36-42

Table 3: Corrosion Resistance Properties

Testmetod Test Details Results
ASTM G28A Acidic (pH<3) sulfuric and nitric acid solutions, ambient and boiling conditions, 7 days Excellent – No pits, cracks or weight loss
ASTM G48A 50% solution of ferric chloride and hydrochloric acid, boiling, 72 hours No attack
NACE TM-01-77 H2S-saturated brine at RT, 1 month No SSC (sulfide stress cracking)
ISO 15156/NACE MR0175/MR0103 Sour service resistance certification Complies for Level III H2S service

The outstanding ambient and hot corrosion resistance enables reliable performance of components produced in Hastelloy G30 in demanding service environments. It meets strict certification levels set by NACE for sour oil/gas applications.

Laser Powder Bed Fusion Printing

Hastelloy G30 parts can be fabricated using selective laser melting (SLM) and direct laser deposition (DLD) additive manufacturing techniques. Here are some recommended parameters for powder bed fusion:

Table 4: Typical Laser Printing Parameters

Parameter Räckvidd
Lasereffekt (W) 150-400
Skanningshastighet (mm/s) 800-1500
Avstånd mellan luckor (μm) 80-150
Skiktets tjocklek (μm) 20-100
Inert gas Argon
Oxygen level <1000 ppm

High density parts with fine microstructures can be produced by optimized SLM processing. This is followed by hot isostatic pressing to eliminate internal porosity and precipitation hardening heat treatment to enhance mechanical properties.

Table 5: Key Laser Powder Bed Fusion Printer Models

Printer Make & Model Build size (mm) Laser type Inert gas
EOS M400-4 750⌀ x 380 Yb-fiber 400W Argon
GE Additive Concept Laser M2 250 x 250 x 300 Nd:YAG 500W Argon
Renishaw AM500 250 x 250 x 350 Modulated Nd:YAG 500W Argon
SLM Solutions 280 2.0 280 x 280 x 365 Nd:YAG 400W Kväve

All leading metal 3D printer manufacturers have released machines capable of processing nickel superalloys like Hastelloy G30 flawlessly. They use high precision lasers and controlled inert gas atmospheres.

Industriella tillämpningar

Here are some common applications where Hastelloy G30 printed parts deliver superior performance over conventional materials:

Olja och gas:

  • Wellhead valves, Christmas trees, manifolds
  • Downhole safety valves, sleeves
  • Topside piping, fluid connectors

Chemical and Petrochemical:

  • Process vessel internals like demisters
  • Heat exchanger tubes, shells, baffles
  • Pipe fittings, elbows, tees


  • Combustion liners, transition ducts, fuel nozzles
  • Gas turbine blades, vanes, shrouds
  • Boiler heat shields, containment rings


  • Aircraft engine casing and mounts, fuel lines
  • Spacecraft turbopump components

Hastelloy G30 enables lighter, efficient designs in these applications thanks to properties like:

  • High strength at temperatures up to 1050°C
  • Resistance to pitting and crevice corrosion failure
  • Immunity to chloride-induced stress corrosion cracking
  • Tolerance of high-pressure hydrogen gas environments

The weldability of the material allows joining to other components made of stainless, duplex or nickel-base alloys. This permits designers to only print the sections exposed to extreme conditions.


Hastelloy G30 powder can be procured from leading global suppliers in the following size distribution ranges:

Pulverkvalitet Partikelstorleksintervall
Atomiserad plasma 15-45 mikrometer
Atomiserad gas 45-150 mikrometer
Blended mix 15-150 mikrometer

Table 6: Indicative Pricing

Leverantör Kvantitet Pris
Snickare Tillsats 10 kg $165/kg
Sandvik Osprey 50 kg $155/kg
LPW-teknik 100 kg $140/kg
Hoganas 500 kg $130/kg

Prices vary from $130-165/kg based on purchase volumes. Custom atomization and size classification can also be sourced.

Table 7: Hastelloy G30 Powder Certifications

Standard Testmetod Specifikation
ASTM B213 Fördelning av partikelstorlek 15-45 μm
ASTM E1131 Oxygen and nitrogen analysis O – 0.04% max, N – 0.02% max
AMS 2241 Composition verification Ni: Bal, Cr: 22.7%, W: 13%
ASTM E45 Kemisk analys Conforms to AMS 7268
ASTM B833 Skenbar densitet och flödeshastighet Typical 2.5-4.5 g/cc, 25-35 s/50g
AMS 2403 Contamination testing Meets aerospace cleanliness standards

Reputable powder manufacturers test every batch as per these specifications before release. This ensures consistent properties and printer processability.

Printing Quality Considerations

To achieve optimal densification and mechanical performance when printing parts in Hastelloy G30, consider these quality aspects:

  • Minimizing Porosity: Hot isostatic pressing (HIP) should be used post-printing to eliminate internal voids and achieve >99.9% density.
  • Ytfinish: Additional machining allows control over critical dimensions and improves surface roughness.
  • Anisotropi: Mechanical properties like hardness and yield strength show directionality based on build orientation. Test along both horizontal and vertical axes.
  • Efterbearbetning: Precipitation hardening heat treatment after printing results in significant strengthening over as-printed state. Solutionizing followed by aging is recommended.
  • Testing: Print a number of standardized test geometries with each build to allow detailed characterization and quality verification.

Using optimized parameters and appropriate post-processing, properties better than cast or forged equivalents can be attained in printed Hastelloy G30 components.


Q: What particle size range is recommended for printing Hastelloy G30?

A: A blended powder distribution between 15-45 microns is suggested as this allows dense packing while still flowing smoothly during recoat.

Q: Does Hastelloy G30 require hot isostatic pressing (HIP) after laser printing?

A: Yes, HIP helps eliminate internal voids, improves fatigue response and ensures consistency of properties across large printed components. HIP at 1160°C under 100-150 MPa pressure for 4 hours is typically used.

Q: What heat treatment is used to enhance properties of as-printed G30 parts?

A: Solution heat treatment at 1120°C for 1 hour followed by aging at 850°C for 4 hours results in significant strengthening and hardness increase over as-printed state due to gamma prime and gamma double prime precipitation.

Q: Is Hastelloy G30 easily weldable for joining to other alloy components?

A: Yes, Hastelloy G30 exhibits excellent weldability. Low thermal expansion matches other nickel alloys for reliable welded fabrications used in high-temperature applications.

Q: What design considerations apply when printing complex shapes with Hastelloy G30 powder?

A: Minimal wall thickness, avoidance of overhangs, inclining angles past 60°, and sufficient support structures help reduce residual stresses and prevent distortion or collapse during printing of complex geometries.

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