Inconel X750 pulver

Inconel X750 Powder är ett nickel-kromlegeringspulver som främst används i högtemperaturapplikationer som kräver korrosions- och oxidationsbeständighet. Den har utmärkt styrka, seghet och utmattningshållfasthet upp till 704°C (1300°F). Viktiga egenskaper inkluderar:

  • Hållfasthet och korrosionsbeständighet vid höga temperaturer
  • Utmärkt oxidationsbeständighet upp till 982°C (1800°F)


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Inconel X750 Powder är ett nickel-kromlegeringspulver som främst används i högtemperaturapplikationer som kräver korrosions- och oxidationsbeständighet. Den har utmärkt styrka, seghet och utmattningshållfasthet upp till 704°C (1300°F). Viktiga egenskaper inkluderar:

  • Hållfasthet och korrosionsbeständighet vid höga temperaturer
  • Utmärkt oxidationsbeständighet upp till 982°C (1800°F)
  • God svetsbarhet och formbarhet
  • Used in gas turbines, spacecraft, nuclear reactors, heat treating equipment

Inconel X750 powder can be used in various powder metallurgy techniques like hot isostatic pressing, metal injection molding, additive manufacturing, and laser/electron beam melting to fabricate complex parts.

Table 1: Inconel X750 powder types and characteristics

Typ Storleksintervall Morfologi Skenbar densitet Flytbarhet Sintered density
Atomiserad gas 15-45 μm Sfärisk Hög Bra >98%
Vatten som finfördelas 150-300 μm Oregelbunden Medium Rättvist 96-98%
Atomiserad plasma 10-22 μm Mestadels sfärisk Mycket hög Utmärkt >99%


The nominal composition of Inconel X750 powder is given below:

Table 2: Chemical composition of Inconel X750 powder

Element Vikt %
Nickel (Ni) 72,0 min
Krom (Cr) 14.0-17.0
Järn (Fe) 5.0-9.0
Niob (Nb) + Tantal (Ta) 0.7-1.2
Titan (Ti) 0.7-1.7
Aluminium (Al) 0.5-1.2
Kobolt (Co) 1,0 max
Mangan (Mn) 1,0 max
Kisel (Si) 1,0 max
Kol (C) 0,1 max
Bor (B) 0.006-0.02
Zirkonium (Zr) 0,05 max

The balance is nickel and incidental impurities. The mixture of niobium, tantalum, titanium, and aluminum content gives Inconel X750 excellent high temperature mechanical properties by precipitation strengthening.


Table 3: Physical and mechanical properties of Inconel X750

Fastighet Värden
Täthet 8.25 g/cm3
Smältpunkt 1315-1370°C
Termisk ledningsförmåga 11.2 W/m-K
Elasticitetsmodul 205 GPa
Poissons förhållande 0.29
Draghållfasthet 1310 MPa (annealed)
Sträckgräns 1110 MPa (annealed)
Töjning 16% (annealed)
Hårdhet 390 HB


Some major applications of Inconel X750 powder include:

Table 4: Applications of Inconel X750 powder

Industri Komponenter
Flyg- och rymdindustrin Turbine blades, combustion chambers, nozzle guide vanes
Oil & gas Wellhead components, downhole tools
Fordon Turbocharger wheels, valve components
Industriella gasturbiner Transition ducts, combustor baskets
Kärnkraft Heat exchangers, valve bodies

Advantages of using Inconel X750 powder for these applications:

  • Excellent high temperature mechanical properties up to 1300°F
  • Retains strength and hardness at elevated operating temperatures
  • Outstanding corrosion and oxidation resistance at high temperatures
  • Parts maintain close dimensional tolerances during service
  • Components have good surface finish and complex geometries

Table 5: Additive manufacturing processes for Inconel X750

Process Fastigheter Tillämpningar
Laser powder bed fusion (L-PBF) High density, moderate surface finish and accuracy Komponenter för flyg- och rymdindustrin, verktyg
Smältning med elektronstråle (EBM) Fully dense parts, anisotropic microstructure Structural parts, engine components
Directed energy deposition (DED) Low porosity, good structural integrity Repair and cladding of high value parts


Inconel X750 powder is available in various size distributions and morphologies to suit different additive manufacturing processes:

Table 6: Specifications of Inconel X750 powder

Beskrivning Specifikation
Storleksintervall 10-45 μm
Kemi AMS 5667, AMS 5699
Partikelns form Sfärisk, oregelbunden
Manufacture Gas atomized, water atomized, plasma atomized
Skenbar densitet Up to 65% for loose powder
Tappdensitet Up to 75% for packed powder
Flödeshastighet >30 s/50 g
Syrehalt <100 ppm
Kväveinnehåll <40 ppm


Table 7: Suppliers of Inconel X750 powder

Företag Plats
Sandvik Sverige
AP&C Kanada
Snickeriteknik Förenta staterna
Erasteel Sverige
Powder Alloy Corporation Förenta staterna

Typical pricing for Inconel X750 powder depending on size, shape, and quantity:

  • Gas atomized spherical – $80-150 per kg
  • Water atomized irregular – $30-60 per kg
  • Research/prototype quantities – Smaller, could be double commercial

Table 8: Comparison of Inconel X750 versus Inconel 718

Parameter Inconel X750 Inconel 718
Täthet Högre 8,19 g/cm3
Draghållfasthet Högre 1275 MPa
Creep strength Lägre Better by ~100°C
Oxideringsbeständighet Högre Up to 1800°F
Kostnad ~2X more expensive Mindre kostsamt
Bearbetbarhet More difficult to machine Lättare
Svetsbarhet Lower due to precipitation hardening Bättre


Some drawbacks and challenges with using Inconel X750 powder include:

  • Expensive alloy increases component costs significantly
  • Difficult to fully dense without hot isostatic pressing
  • Prone to cracking if not processed correctly
  • Requires stress-relieving to avoid cracking during service
  • Lower creep rupture strength than Inconel 718
  • Subject to strain-age embrittlement at lower temperatures

Proper dispersion of strengthening particles requires solution heat treatment and aging to achieve optimal properties. Susceptible to oxidation above 1800°F requiring protective coatings.

Vanliga frågor

What is Inconel X750 used for?

Inconel X750 is used to fabricate components for high temperature applications requiring good mechanical strength, creep resistance, thermal fatigue strength, and corrosion resistance up to 1300°F. Typical uses include gas turbine blades, combustor components, spacecraft and nuclear reactor parts.

What additive manufacturing methods can use Inconel X750?

Inconel X750 powder can be processed using laser powder bed fusion (L-PBF), electron beam melting (EBM), and directed energy deposition (DED) methods. Each process produces parts with different microstructures and mechanical properties.

Does Inconel X750 require hot isostatic pressing?

For highest quality fully dense parts with optimum properties, Inconel X750 components fabricated by AM require HIP post-processing. However, parameters can be optimized to achieve >99% density directly after heat treatment for some applications.

Is Inconel X750 weldable?

Inconel X750 has lower weldability than the Inconel 600 series due to its precipitation hardening characteristics. Welding filler metals matching base composition along with proper solution annealing and aging is required to avoid weld cracking and weakened zones.

What is the typical surface finish of Inconel X750 AM parts?

For powder bed fusion processes like L-PBF and EBM, Inconel X750 parts typically have 8-12 μm surface roughness as-built. Additional finishing like grinding, milling, EDM can further improve finish. DED parts usually need extensive machining to final tolerances.

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